
Through the years, we have received amazing, insightful comments from people from all over the world. This page is a library of all those discussions for you to use as reference. The information here is extremely valuable and not to be missed. To add to the conversation, and receive my reply, you can comment on any of the blog posts. This page is for reference only.

  • From Karen on My Story

    Hi, thank you so much for this post. I definitely feel for you and I completely understand the whole “letting SVTs rule your life” comments. They are terrifying and I too suffer from them although I have never been diagnosed specifically with them. Every time I am given a monitor to wear I don’t seem to have them- they are so random. You can garuntee though that a few days later after not having the monitor, I have an episode. I am so frustrated because of this. The drs I have seen all agree that it certainly sounds like an SVT episode. I too usually get them when I bend down and then stand up quickly, if I eat too much of certain types of food. I feel like I’m not living atm. Can’t eat this, can’t exercise too much, can’t have a drink! Just incase it triggers an episode. I am 31 and am very healthy and exercise- or have done very regularly. I have 3 children and my newest addition is 1 year old. I had these same episodes after having my last two children 10 years ago. This is when they all began. They then went away randomly after my 8 year old was about 2 years old. I have just started having them again and they are back with a bite! A couple of months ago I had my first one in a long time that scared the hell out of me. More worried as my little girl was home with me and I was scared something may happen and shes be left alone.They came to me along with my menstrual cycle again as I had been breastfeeding. Then this morning I had an episode that only lasted a few seconds while cuddling my little one this morning. They are horrible and I really feel for anyone who suffers or has suffered from them. I am now pregnant again and wanting to enjoy my last pregnancy but I live in fear everyday that I will have an episode. I have found the only thing to work for me is sipping icy water when I have these, it has worked successfully 9/10 for me.
    Again thanks for sharing and I will be looking into what I can do for my heart,mind and body to eliminate these horrible things. God bless you all and good luck x

    2013/05/30 at 7:12 am
    • From nourishmyspirit on My Story

      Thank you so much for sharing! My episodes all got worse after the birth of my son. Im sure it has to do with being so depleted after giving birth and breastfeeding (and changing hormones). In fact, I was having episodes almost every time I breastfed, and it forced me to stop breastfeeding at around 4 months when I planned to go til at least 6. The best thing I ever did for myself was go gluten free. (which I didn’t do til my son was 4) My episodes are virtually gone now and that is the main factor. While there are others, like always having to get proper sleep, water intake, etc…the gluten is the strongest contributor….so if you are still eating gluten, its the one major difference you can make so that you don’t have to live with the fear…of “what if”…

      The second thing is to have a plan in place….Tell a friend or neighbor, that you have SVT and it can happen anytime etc…while its not life threatening, you may need help with the kids if/when it happens and ask if they would be willing to help you out. The point is, sometimes just knowing that you can call on someone is a relief.

      All the best to you and your growing family! Try to take good care of yourself as best you can…lots of naps, water, fruits and veggies…try to stay away from sugar and wheat!!!

      2013/05/30 at 1:26 pm
  • From Brittaney on Humid Weather Triggers SVT

    This is very helpful. I knew that sugar was a trigger for me and my doctor swore to me up and down that sugar was not a trigger. I went over board on the sugar last night and so far I have had 3 SVT attacks! Thank you for sharing.

    2013/05/24 at 5:36 pm
  • From Annette Greene on Humid Weather Triggers SVT

    I agree that sticking to a diet is so important! Also, I would love to know if anyone has used acupuncture to help prevent SVT from occurring?

    2013/05/22 at 4:04 pm
    • From nourishmyspirit on Humid Weather Triggers SVT

      I have been using acupuncture for almost 3 years…My diagnosis came from my acupuncturist and he has been the only person (Dr. or otherwise) to fully explain what/why this happens. I have heart yin deficiency and excess “heat” (my Chinese diagnosis) Im assuming many of my fellow suffers do as well. I also use Chinese herbs and they drastically helped me thru the years, especially with sleeping thru the night and not waking up “hot” and with a rapidly beating heart in the middle of the night. I recently stopped taking my herbs (for another separate reason) and wonder if that contributes to my sudden increase in SVT activity…

      2013/05/22 at 4:09 pm
  • From Mark Farago on Humid Weather Triggers SVT

    Points well made! The mind is a major factor in controlling SVT’s. Keep focusing on peaceful thoughts and less what the Media has to offer. Listen to inspirational songs such as this survivor’s song(in this case SVT’s) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rw5pk5wuANY God bless all!

    2013/05/22 at 2:39 pm
  • From Maryann on Humid Weather Triggers SVT

    Thanks for sharing your story. I too went over a year without an attack and did end up in the hospital (via ambulance) with an attack. GUILTY……I had given into my sugar cravings prior to the attack. I did maintain no alcohol, artifical sweetner, chocolate and low on the gluten….I do however have an issue with unresolved anger and the weather does get to me…. I just started a heart rehab program as a prevention solution..,.not easy to get into. Thanks for the reminder regarding water….

    2013/05/22 at 2:28 pm
  • From expressingmotherhood on My Story

    So glad I found this! I am 36 and just started having episodes last Fall. I had a big one on January 1st and another smaller one two days ago. I just saw an accupuncturist today as I really want to change things to help it. I feel my old fear gripping me again. I used to suffer from panic attacks in my early 20’s and it is making me so sad to feel that again. I look forward to exploring this blog.

    2013/05/08 at 4:14 am
  • From Dr. George Blagoue on ABOUT

    I’m a retired optometrist who’s had an interest in nutritional and holistic healing since 1976. I’ve learned to think in terms of “What is the body trying to accomplish and am I going to help it or interfere with its internal wisdom?” by doing this or that.
    With respect to heart arrhythmias the heart must have the proper balance of minerals to beat regularly. Two of the more important and neglected are magnesium and copper. A blood test is not an accurate indicator of your body’s stores of minerals. Blood tests are but a snapshot in time and can vary from hour to hour. Trace mineral analysis through tissue sampling (hair, for instance) is a “videotape” of what’s going on in your body over the last 4-6 weeks.
    By balancing your minerals you’re giving your body the building blocks it needs for repair. (Those of you with an arrhythmia shoudn’t run out and buy copper and magnesium and start experimenting for you can easily worsen your condition. The key word is balance. This is best done with the help and advice of a holistic practitioner, such as a naturopath/chiropractor/M.D./D.O. who can do an evaluation with the help of a hair analysis.)
    Most M.D.’s are not schooled in balancing minerals and will treat these problems with drugs and surgery. Proceed with caution. Seek out practioners who know how to cooperate with your body rather than start a war within it. It’s a safer and gentler approach and the only one that offers a true cure. Remember the old adage “Nature cures and the doctor pockets the fee”. G.B.

    2013/04/26 at 5:32 pm
  • From Dr. George Blagoue on The COURSE

    I’m a retired optometrist who’s had an interest in nutritional and holistic healing since 1976. I’ve learned to think in terms of “What is the body trying to accomplish and am I going to help it or interfere with its internal wisdom?” by doing this or that.
    With respect to heart arrhythmias the heart must have the proper balance of minerals to beat regularly. Two of the more important and neglected are magnesium and copper. A blood test is not an accurate indicator of your body’s stores of minerals. Blood tests are but a snapshot in time and can vary from hour to hour. Trace mineral analysis through tissue sampling (hair, for instance) is a “videotape” of what’s going on in your body over the last 4-6 weeks.
    By balancing your minerals you’re giving your body the building blocks it needs for repair. (Those of you with an arrhythmia shoudn’t run out and buy copper and magnesium and start experimenting for you can easily worsen your condition. The key word is balance. This is best done with the help and advice of a holistic practitioner, such as a naturopath/chiropractor/M.D./D.O. who can do an evaluation with the help of a hair analysis.)
    Most M.D.’s are not schooled in balancing minerals and will treat these problems with drugs and surgery. Proceed with caution. Seek out practioners who know how to cooperate with your body rather than start a war within it. It’s a safer and gentler approach and the only one that offers a true cure. Remember the old adage “Nature cures and the doctor pockets the fee”. G.B.

    2013/04/26 at 5:32 pm
  • From sps49b on My Story

    So happy to see that there are other people out there that want to fix this SVT monster naturally! I was diagnosed with SVT in 2011, I was 18. I turn 21 in three days and just had an attack that admitted me to the hospital yesterday. I am discharged now, and have to follow up with my cardiologist but I don’t want to give in to being medicated or have an ablation done. I’m a nursing student and I work as a tech in a hospital, so I was lucky I had my attack where I did, but a hr of 170 for a long period of time is no fun, especially when it starts when you are driving to work.

    I know that my everyday stresses and diet play a huge role on how my ticker is acting, but it took this last scare to get my butt in action. Thinking about going gluten free and doing anything I can to make this better! Any successful tips are appreciated! 🙂

    2013/04/08 at 1:09 am
  • From Anna Lakeman on My Story

    Hello, I creid when I found your site. I have just been diagnosed with SVT after having an episode after a shift at the hospital. I am a midwifery student and I have been freaking out that I will have to drop out as the pressure and stress are so high in my degree course. Having read your blogs, I now feel there is hope for me to control my symptoms naturally. I was gluten free for ten years, and had started eating it again as I wasn’t having any gut problems from it, but I guess I’ll go back to gluten free, and am happy to clean up my diet if means I can keep being a midwifery student. Unfortunately my teenage son is a drug addict and the stress that is causing in my life is unbelievable! Sadly there is not much I can do about his choices, so my challenge is to self-care instead of trying to fix him.
    Thanks so much for your blog, and giving me the nudge I need to clean up my life, and get healthy again.
    I’m a bit scared to exercise at the moment as I’m scared everytime my heart does something weird. Does gentle exercise help as well? I presume being fit has to be a good thing…

    2013/04/02 at 6:42 pm
  • From Mark Farago on one year later...

    I also am a survivor of both a Panic Disorder and SVT’s. I have fought this combination for the past 40 years and am now myself symptom free by a Holistic approach. I am a composer who wrote a Survivor song, “Look At Me” and put it to video for use by cancer organizations for their cancer survivors. Please enjoy and share the following inspirational cancer survivor video/song: “Look At Me” http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rw5pk5wuANY

    2013/03/23 at 6:54 pm
  • From Lonna on Food Allergies and SVT

    I just want to say that I have been diagnosed with Wolff Parkinson White Syndrome and they were unable to ablate, so here I am still taking drugs that make me feel terrible. After 8 years, I’m ready to call it quits with these drugs, and start trying to make a life change, like food for example, to try to lessen my tachycardia. Day two and I have been eating fruits and veggies, no msg, and drinking these supplement drinks that are one hundred percent organic. I’m so excited to hear from others because I’m thriving to look for advice and support on finding out what is causing SVT. I want to beat this without constantly taking meds everyday.

    2013/03/21 at 9:16 pm
  • From Jane on My Story

    I was diagnosed with svt last year. I had an ablation that was unsuccessful. I currently take metoprolol everyday to keep me from having attacks. My heart goes crazy after eating still but it will calm down after I drink a lot of water. I got pregnant with my son 4 months after being diagnosed and thankfully I was able to take the metoprolol my entire pregnancy. My cardiologist told me that it could randomly go away on its own the same way it randomly came on. I don’t know what would be worse, to have svt attacks at random or basically to always have them but they are controlled by medication. I wish my heart would go back to normal. I hate being dependent on medication.

    2013/03/19 at 12:21 am
  • From Mark on Adrenal Fatigue

    I think I had one of these two days ago. Lasted about 30 minutes. Went to the nearest urgent care facility. The doctor did get his stethoscope on my chest and heard the rhythm. But it literally went away seconds before she hit the EKG button. I’ve had panic attacks before, but this was way different. EKG read perfect. Doctor felt it was an svt. He recommended a cardiologist and ablation as a means to fix. I have been under tremendous stress related to work. I’ve been reading this blog ever since. Can svt’s be caused by stress? I’m 48 and have been in pretty good shape. I have definitley been pushing it at work and my sleep habits are probably not what they should be. I guess I am asking where I go from here. I really am not a medicine taker. And the thought of any invasive procedure petrifies me. Especially the heart. Also is it common to be extremely tired after and the next day? Thanks Mark

    2013/02/27 at 1:24 pm
    • From Annie on Adrenal Fatigue

      Hi Mark
      Bit of a late reply but my first recorded PSVT happened when I was under a lot of stress. I am usually tired immediately after and for the next day or two as well.

      2014/10/30 at 9:54 pm
  • From Tim on Heal SVT Naturally, My Early Years


    I just found this site through a Google search that included the word “tachycardia.” I was searching because I had an episode of SVT this morning at 3:33 a.m. EST. I know the exact time because I looked at my clock radio when my heart started racing. Thankfully, it was a short episode and relatively mild compared to past episodes. My pulse came down on its own. I think what triggered the episode was that I had eaten a lot of white rice before going to bed.

    Your story is quite similar to mine. I’m 37 now. My first episode of SVT occurred in August 2010 when I was 35. I was mowing the lawn on a hot summer day. My pulse was already high because I was really exerting myself. I stopped the lawnmower and went into the garage to get a rake. I bent over to pick something up from the garage floor, and, when I came up, I felt my pulse go even higher. So I stopped to rest, hoping that my pulse would come down. It didn’t. I didn’t know what was happening as I had never experienced this before. Was it a heart attack? So I went to the emergency room of the local hospital. The ER physician diagnosed me with SVT.

    Since that first episode, I have had quite a few more episodes. One of them was really bad, and I thought I was going to die. I was mowing the lawn, but with that episode, my heart started convulsing. After that episode, my health went down hill. I got to the point where I wasn’t able to do any type of physical activity without my heart racing. Then I developed chest pain that felt like a heart attack.

    I educated myself about SVT. I determined which foods would trigger an episode of SVT, and eliminated those foods from my diet. Peanut butter, for example, will trigger an episode every time I eat it. I must have developed an allergy to it because I didn’t always have that problem with peanut butter. I started taking certain supplements, the most important of which are Ubiquinol and Magnesium. I had several chiropractic treatments. The chiropractor determined that I had a hiatal hernia, which may have aggravated my condition. I have been feeling great for a while now, like my old self. I’m no longer in pain. I had developed terrible anxiety and was unable to engage in any type of physical activity for fear of having an episode of SVT. But I’m now able to exercise again without any problem.

    Thanks for your site.

    Greenville, SC

    2013/02/23 at 12:17 am
    • From nourishmyspirit on Heal SVT Naturally, My Early Years

      Hi Tim,
      Thank you for your comment! Make sure to stay hydrated…So many of our stories are the same….anxiety and SVT, etc. Keep making small changes in your diet…avoid large meals, avoid eating before bed, be gentle to your digestion…etc. Peanut Butter is not good for you anyway…try a very small amount of natural almond butter the next time you are in the mood and just a slight smear of it…to see your reaction….maybe you can tolerate that…

      The heat is usually a trigger, so drink lots of water before you do yardwork…and most importantly keep track of what you are eating, and also the times of day, and months etc that you have an SVT. Mine are always in Feb, or November….

      All the best, and feel free to ask questions any time! Thank you!

      2013/02/23 at 1:13 am
      • From Tim on Heal SVT Naturally, My Early Years

        I read some more pages of your site last night. I, too, have AV nodal reentrant tachycardia. The cardiologist said it’s not dangerous or life-threatening. But I will say that episodes can be frightening when they occur.

        2013/02/23 at 12:39 pm
  • From nourishmyspirit on Journaling and SVT

    Reblogged this on Nourish My Spirit and commented:

    This is a repost from my other blog, HealSVTnaturally.

    2013/02/04 at 10:24 pm
  • From Janice on Heal SVT Naturally, My Early Years

    I have just read your article and I will try everything you suggest.I am a 56 year old mother who has always had a form of SVT.
    My Svt episodes are getting more frequent and always end with a trip to the casualty department.It has completely taken over my life to the point where I am scared to do anything so I will try what you suggest and pray it works

    2013/02/04 at 6:51 pm
    • From nourishmyspirit on Heal SVT Naturally, My Early Years

      Hello my dear, Im sorry you are experiencing so many SVT’s lately…horomones can trigger episodes, so try to eat small gentle meals made of veggies, quiona and beans. Minimize the meat and dairy right now while you are trying to heal as those foods can be packed with added hormones that disagree with our sensitive bodies. Of course, cut out wheat and gluten immediately for long lasting results. Drink plenty of water and start to journal about your feelings of anxiety…Listen to the messages your heart is trying to tell you from a spiritual perspective…Try to ask your heart what it needs? What does it want you to know…I will post some journaling questions now…I will add you to my healing heart prayers! All the best to you, You are not alone!!!

      2013/02/04 at 9:54 pm
  • From rob on The INNER circle

    I do not get ‘Hot” I get very very cold and shake like crazy. any one else have that?

    2013/01/12 at 6:55 pm
    • From Erine Koulianos on The INNER circle


      2016/04/04 at 1:51 pm
    • From nourishmyspirit on The INNER circle

      I only get Hot before…I usually shake and get chills during, and after….Try to notice next time if you feel any hot sensations up to one hour before…If so, its a good indicator for you to drink a lot of water, and even take a rest break, both of which may divert an upcoming episode…also look for how you slept the night before, what you ate etc…try to draw any connections you can to your diet, routines etc, and how your feeling to an episode…

      2013/01/12 at 8:32 pm
      • From EJ on The INNER circle

        I get the same symptoms as you …hot, dry mouth, thump like a missed beat, and chills after. I am tring to track it and so far being tired or exercise seems to be a trigger. Great to find somebody else who has this. It is very scary!

        2013/08/08 at 11:07 am
      • From Mel on The INNER circle

        I had the feeling I get before an SVT quite a few times today as I was walking to my house. It’s so difficult to describe. Like a slight pressure on the chest and the feeling of the heart “whirring” or even a feeling like it’s stopping. I was very very tired before it. And I’m feeling extremely tired now that I’ve had it. I had a little bit of chocolate this morning, don’t know if that triggered it? No matter how many times it happens, and how much my cardiologist reassures me that nothing dangerous will come of it, I still get this feeling of impending doom when I get it. It didn’t materialize into an SVT episode today. I take 60 mg of Verapamil daily. \\\

        2013/03/20 at 4:14 pm
        • From nourishmyspirit on The INNER circle

          What I notice most about your comment is that you were tired before the SVT….So the question is…Did you honor your need to rest and lay down etc…or did you push yourself and ignore your body’s signs and make yourself use your “reserve”….and hence your body couldnt handle it and went into SVT…??? The gentle point being…why are you not resting when your body tells you to? What could be more important than resting to avoid an SVT? Rest my friends! Whenever you feel the urge…Dont push yourself into overdrive….our sensitive hearts are protesting our constant GO GO GO attitude!!!

          2013/03/22 at 12:13 am
        • From nourishmyspirit on The INNER circle

          Thank you for sharing your comments! Try to avoid chocolate and all sugar, especially in the morning..Sugar is def a trigger…Start your day with either millet toast with almond butter or millet bread with tahini and some honey. Also try a smoothie which is also sweet but not chocolate. You might be craving sugar because you need greens and protein. Drink the Green vibrance and over time you will feel a drastic decline in your sweet tooth! Thanks for sharing!!!

          2013/03/22 at 12:10 am
  • From Debbie H on ABOUT

    Nice to hear from you again, Laura. So much has happened to us since I wrote you last. My husband went with me to my follow-up appointment on 10/18/12 to the cardiologist and he mentioned to the doctor he was having chest pains. The doctor ordered an CTA antiography on him and he ended up with one blocked artery at 99% and another 100% being supported by collateral vessels. Talk about ramping up the stress in my already stressful life. It was then I realized that no matter what I had to take care of myself. The cardiologist told me that he was confident that my SVT was caused by my post surgery exhaustion. He said the heart has to pump faster when we are out of energy. You know, he’s right. All three of my SVT’s were after days of no good sleep.

    I made a very concerted effort while my husband has gone through two heart surgeries in the last 8 weeks to make sure I followed your guildelines, water, sleep, etc. And I did something I never do, I accepted help.

    Amazingly, I had one very small SVT, drank 40 oz. of water and it resolved immediately. I haven’t had anymore problems, except an occassional PVC since then.

    I will be flying to California in February and I’m nervous about having and SVT on the plane, but keep telling myself the doctor said it won’t kill me. He also gave me Metatoprolol to take on an as needed bases.

    I was able to get the EKG strips from the paramedics and the cardiologist read them and told me my SVT’s are not the dangerous kind. It really helps a lot to have him on my team, and to have the opportunity to call him whenever I get worried.

    I’ve started my own blog that chronicles the journey that both my husband and I are going with both of our heart issues at http://www.coronarychronicle.blogspot.com.

    By the way, your recipes look wonderful. I am now following a low-fat plant based diet and am feeling sooo much better and both hubby and I are losing weight. Where we were both obese, he and I are both just 10 pounds overweight now.

    Sometimes we have to go through really hard things for things to get much better. I am a much happier and much stronger person now than I was three months ago. Thanks for your blog and your advice and I’m glad you are doing better too.

    2013/01/11 at 3:57 am
  • From Debbie H on The COURSE

    Nice to hear from you again, Laura. So much has happened to us since I wrote you last. My husband went with me to my follow-up appointment on 10/18/12 to the cardiologist and he mentioned to the doctor he was having chest pains. The doctor ordered an CTA antiography on him and he ended up with one blocked artery at 99% and another 100% being supported by collateral vessels. Talk about ramping up the stress in my already stressful life. It was then I realized that no matter what I had to take care of myself. The cardiologist told me that he was confident that my SVT was caused by my post surgery exhaustion. He said the heart has to pump faster when we are out of energy. You know, he’s right. All three of my SVT’s were after days of no good sleep.

    I made a very concerted effort while my husband has gone through two heart surgeries in the last 8 weeks to make sure I followed your guildelines, water, sleep, etc. And I did something I never do, I accepted help.

    Amazingly, I had one very small SVT, drank 40 oz. of water and it resolved immediately. I haven’t had anymore problems, except an occassional PVC since then.

    I will be flying to California in February and I’m nervous about having and SVT on the plane, but keep telling myself the doctor said it won’t kill me. He also gave me Metatoprolol to take on an as needed bases.

    I was able to get the EKG strips from the paramedics and the cardiologist read them and told me my SVT’s are not the dangerous kind. It really helps a lot to have him on my team, and to have the opportunity to call him whenever I get worried.

    I’ve started my own blog that chronicles the journey that both my husband and I are going with both of our heart issues at http://www.coronarychronicle.blogspot.com.

    By the way, your recipes look wonderful. I am now following a low-fat plant based diet and am feeling sooo much better and both hubby and I are losing weight. Where we were both obese, he and I are both just 10 pounds overweight now.

    Sometimes we have to go through really hard things for things to get much better. I am a much happier and much stronger person now than I was three months ago. Thanks for your blog and your advice and I’m glad you are doing better too.

    2013/01/11 at 3:57 am
  • From Mark Farago on Heal SVT Naturally, My Early Years

    Thanks for the information and your concern. There is no doubt that being on a gluten free diet has helped to diminish the amount of SVT’s I experience. It is truly a holistic approach which is necessary and keeping control of one’s anger is also a big part of the process.

    2013/01/09 at 2:36 am
  • From Debbie on ABOUT

    Thank you for your reply Laura and your kind and encouraging words. I have always been an overachiever. I have 7 kids, six of which are boys and a high powered husband who likes to keep going, and going, and going.

    I don’t know if I told you I have celiac’s disease, confirmed by a gastro doctor and endoscopy. I found right off the bat that the dead gluten free junk foods are no good for blood sugar, so I shop on the outer side of the grocery store.

    My gallbladder issues was definitely a result of a larger problem. I had four tremendously large stones made out of bilirubin which points to a low level of bleeding in the small intestine caused years ago by the celiac’s disease that was not diagnosed until two years ago. The stones probably formed when I was at my sickest several years ago, and I believe as I got healthier, my body, knowing it wasn’t functioning was trying to reject it.

    Shortly after the celiac’s diagnosis, I had an allergy test done (skin prick not blood which I need to get) on foods and found I was allergic to about 15 different foods. So, I really need to get the enterolab testing done through blood testing to make sure. I am on an elimination diet now, and I think the sorbet failed, :). I added back quinoa last Thursday and it was sooo good!

    I recently met a lady who had the enterolab testing done and she lost 40 pounds after she eliminated the allergen foods, felt like a million bucks, and she looked fabulous in her 50’s, beautiful skin, hair, and muscular.

    It’s interesting to hear you say I need a six month rest, because that’s what I feel like I need. My family is taking me more seriously now, but it’s a whole different mindset for all of us.

    I’ve got to add “no” to my vocabulary.

    After reading your story, I realize you have had a lot of experience with SVT’s over the years, and this is quite new to me, so I am really interested in your journey and how the changes you put in place work for you. It appears that they are working.

    Thanks again for caring, and starting up a community on the web for those who want to find other answers than the ones currently being offered.

    Have a great day!


    2012/10/09 at 2:21 pm
    • From nourishmyspirit on ABOUT

      Hi Debbie, I hope you are feeling better and have make some progress with discovering and eliminating your food allergies and triggers….I can say that after being GF for 11 months, I have never felt better. I also lost weight…actually the weight just fell off…I am at least a solid 15-20lbs lighter than I was while eating gluten. After my pregnancy, I could not loose those extra pounds no matter what I did….When I went GF, it fell off without trying anything (after 5 years of being 15 plus pounds more than I wanted to be). I eat constantly now. Im hungry every 3 hours and I am at my perfect weight for my height and where I feel good….The best news is that I have not had an SVT since I cut out Gluten. There are so many other factors, like lots of water, sleep, D3, and more…Stay in touch, I would love to hear how you are feeling! Happy New Year!

      2013/01/07 at 7:07 pm
  • From Debbie on The COURSE

    Thank you for your reply Laura and your kind and encouraging words. I have always been an overachiever. I have 7 kids, six of which are boys and a high powered husband who likes to keep going, and going, and going.

    I don’t know if I told you I have celiac’s disease, confirmed by a gastro doctor and endoscopy. I found right off the bat that the dead gluten free junk foods are no good for blood sugar, so I shop on the outer side of the grocery store.

    My gallbladder issues was definitely a result of a larger problem. I had four tremendously large stones made out of bilirubin which points to a low level of bleeding in the small intestine caused years ago by the celiac’s disease that was not diagnosed until two years ago. The stones probably formed when I was at my sickest several years ago, and I believe as I got healthier, my body, knowing it wasn’t functioning was trying to reject it.

    Shortly after the celiac’s diagnosis, I had an allergy test done (skin prick not blood which I need to get) on foods and found I was allergic to about 15 different foods. So, I really need to get the enterolab testing done through blood testing to make sure. I am on an elimination diet now, and I think the sorbet failed, :). I added back quinoa last Thursday and it was sooo good!

    I recently met a lady who had the enterolab testing done and she lost 40 pounds after she eliminated the allergen foods, felt like a million bucks, and she looked fabulous in her 50’s, beautiful skin, hair, and muscular.

    It’s interesting to hear you say I need a six month rest, because that’s what I feel like I need. My family is taking me more seriously now, but it’s a whole different mindset for all of us.

    I’ve got to add “no” to my vocabulary.

    After reading your story, I realize you have had a lot of experience with SVT’s over the years, and this is quite new to me, so I am really interested in your journey and how the changes you put in place work for you. It appears that they are working.

    Thanks again for caring, and starting up a community on the web for those who want to find other answers than the ones currently being offered.

    Have a great day!


    2012/10/09 at 2:21 pm
    • From nourishmyspirit on The COURSE

      Hi Debbie, I hope you are feeling better and have make some progress with discovering and eliminating your food allergies and triggers….I can say that after being GF for 11 months, I have never felt better. I also lost weight…actually the weight just fell off…I am at least a solid 15-20lbs lighter than I was while eating gluten. After my pregnancy, I could not loose those extra pounds no matter what I did….When I went GF, it fell off without trying anything (after 5 years of being 15 plus pounds more than I wanted to be). I eat constantly now. Im hungry every 3 hours and I am at my perfect weight for my height and where I feel good….The best news is that I have not had an SVT since I cut out Gluten. There are so many other factors, like lots of water, sleep, D3, and more…Stay in touch, I would love to hear how you are feeling! Happy New Year!

      2013/01/07 at 7:07 pm
  • From Debbie on ABOUT

    Laura, I just had my third SVT in 18 months this past Saturday and had to have adenosine. It was terrifying. I have been a gluten free low-fat vegan since January, but I cheated on my diet the night before my SVT and had some sorbet. I never eat sugar, but maybe this triggered my feeling off the next day and the SVT. Thank you for your blog. It’s nice to know that someone else is looking into a holistic approach to avoid these awful experiences. My last two SVT’s came the day after having diarrhea. the first one after having norovirus, the second one the day after a gallbladder attack. I also had my gallbladder removed three weeks ago, and I attribute being worn out from this and getting in the swing of things too early as a cause of my last SVT. I had cleaned five bathrooms at our church building the morning of and had been not only worn out from the surgery but sleep deprived from taking care of my sick 4 year old.

    I hope you keep posting your successes. Incidentally, the days I had my SVT’s were also the days I missed my magnesium. All of my blood work has been perfect, all three times, but reading from the the Magnesium Miracle by Carolyn Dean, M.D. our cells can be deficient even though our blood is not showing it.

    Thanks again for caring enough to start your blog.


    2012/10/08 at 10:33 pm
    • From nourishmyspirit on ABOUT

      Hi Debbie,
      Sorry to hear about your experience. As you said, you were clearly over extending yourself, a main “set up” for an SVT. Remember we cant 100% control when our body is going to have an electrical misfire…but we can control keeping our body (inner enviornment) strong. The way to do that is to REST, and take amazing care of yourself. The days of pushing yourself are over if you want to reduce your SVT episodes. (Cleaning bathrooms after surgery qualifies as drastically pushing yourself too far my dear!!!)

      Your story doesn’t sound like it ends there though…because you say you just had your gallblader removed….I really dont know much about that but something else is going on in your system to lead to that, and I would really look into the reasons that led to that for more clues on what you could do differently to help support yourself.

      Regarding diet….are you eating lots of quiona, cooked veggies and beans? Are you eating a balanced diet? GF vegan is the hardest diet to keep up especially when your exhausted. Make sure your not loading up on GF “dead” foods. Further, you may need to look deeper at your food allergies….When you say you felt “off” the day of your SVT….did you analyze absoultely everything you ate the day before….Write it down so eventually, (even if its 2 years from now) you can see correlations….The sorbet could be a possibility if you are normally 100% sugar free….otherwise I would be open to the possibility of it being something else you ate or a combo…maybe corn??

      Take care of yourself! Lots of water, minerals, himalayian sea salt, Greens, green vibrance, and most importantly…REST…DO NOT PUSH yourself!!!! Your body is crying out for some deep rest and you are the only one who can give it to yourself. Im sure EVERYONE in your life will understand that you need to clear your plate of all extra commitments for at least 6 months after surgery…especially with a 4 year old! I have a 5 year old and that alone with nothing else on earth to do, is a FULL TIME EXHAUSTING job. Give yourself a break! Remember the SVT is the final blast of days or weeks leading up to a toxic burden on the heart….you need to remove all the toxic burdens to keep your heart free and light. These burdens are emotional and from what we eat.

      So….on the days after an SVT make sure to go to sleep early, no sugar, lots of water and greens and cooked warm foods. Extra potassium, salt, and magnesium. All the best, thanks so much for sharing! I LOVE to hear your stories and deeply care about helping people understand that there is a deeper way to support SVT. Love and healing, Laura

      2012/10/09 at 1:08 pm
  • From Debbie on The COURSE

    Laura, I just had my third SVT in 18 months this past Saturday and had to have adenosine. It was terrifying. I have been a gluten free low-fat vegan since January, but I cheated on my diet the night before my SVT and had some sorbet. I never eat sugar, but maybe this triggered my feeling off the next day and the SVT. Thank you for your blog. It’s nice to know that someone else is looking into a holistic approach to avoid these awful experiences. My last two SVT’s came the day after having diarrhea. the first one after having norovirus, the second one the day after a gallbladder attack. I also had my gallbladder removed three weeks ago, and I attribute being worn out from this and getting in the swing of things too early as a cause of my last SVT. I had cleaned five bathrooms at our church building the morning of and had been not only worn out from the surgery but sleep deprived from taking care of my sick 4 year old.

    I hope you keep posting your successes. Incidentally, the days I had my SVT’s were also the days I missed my magnesium. All of my blood work has been perfect, all three times, but reading from the the Magnesium Miracle by Carolyn Dean, M.D. our cells can be deficient even though our blood is not showing it.

    Thanks again for caring enough to start your blog.


    2012/10/08 at 10:33 pm
    • From nourishmyspirit on The COURSE

      Hi Debbie,
      Sorry to hear about your experience. As you said, you were clearly over extending yourself, a main “set up” for an SVT. Remember we cant 100% control when our body is going to have an electrical misfire…but we can control keeping our body (inner enviornment) strong. The way to do that is to REST, and take amazing care of yourself. The days of pushing yourself are over if you want to reduce your SVT episodes. (Cleaning bathrooms after surgery qualifies as drastically pushing yourself too far my dear!!!)

      Your story doesn’t sound like it ends there though…because you say you just had your gallblader removed….I really dont know much about that but something else is going on in your system to lead to that, and I would really look into the reasons that led to that for more clues on what you could do differently to help support yourself.

      Regarding diet….are you eating lots of quiona, cooked veggies and beans? Are you eating a balanced diet? GF vegan is the hardest diet to keep up especially when your exhausted. Make sure your not loading up on GF “dead” foods. Further, you may need to look deeper at your food allergies….When you say you felt “off” the day of your SVT….did you analyze absoultely everything you ate the day before….Write it down so eventually, (even if its 2 years from now) you can see correlations….The sorbet could be a possibility if you are normally 100% sugar free….otherwise I would be open to the possibility of it being something else you ate or a combo…maybe corn??

      Take care of yourself! Lots of water, minerals, himalayian sea salt, Greens, green vibrance, and most importantly…REST…DO NOT PUSH yourself!!!! Your body is crying out for some deep rest and you are the only one who can give it to yourself. Im sure EVERYONE in your life will understand that you need to clear your plate of all extra commitments for at least 6 months after surgery…especially with a 4 year old! I have a 5 year old and that alone with nothing else on earth to do, is a FULL TIME EXHAUSTING job. Give yourself a break! Remember the SVT is the final blast of days or weeks leading up to a toxic burden on the heart….you need to remove all the toxic burdens to keep your heart free and light. These burdens are emotional and from what we eat.

      So….on the days after an SVT make sure to go to sleep early, no sugar, lots of water and greens and cooked warm foods. Extra potassium, salt, and magnesium. All the best, thanks so much for sharing! I LOVE to hear your stories and deeply care about helping people understand that there is a deeper way to support SVT. Love and healing, Laura

      2012/10/09 at 1:08 pm
  • From nourishmyspirit on The INNER circle

    Thank you! Just a typo!!!

    2012/09/11 at 11:02 pm
  • From nourishmyspirit on Bowel Movements and SVT

    Thank you for your comments. I strongly encourage you and everyone with SVT to really look into food allergies as a possible trigger. My SVT and overall symptoms have decreased drastically since I eliminated Wheat and dairy from my diet. I know its such a big change, but if you feel better and less stressted about having an SVT its worth it. Consider doing a stool sample with enterloab. you can read your own results. You may be shocked about what you are allergic to. I was…..There is so much to learn about digestive health and overall health. Its so deeply connected. Keep a food diary to draw connections to what you ate and your symptoms. Good Luck! Write anytime, I love to hear from you!

    2012/09/11 at 11:01 pm
    • From Lucy Spicer Chabot on Bowel Movements and SVT

      Are you on any medication? I am on Diltiazem and would like to get off it but I’m afraid to. I never had to get a shot or anything with my SVT, it does pass with ice on the neck or bearing down. Just wondering. Thanks.

      2012/09/18 at 11:01 pm
  • From Lucy Spicer Chabot on The INNER circle

    Symptoms is spelled wrong. Just letting you know! 🙂

    2012/09/11 at 10:54 pm
  • From Lucy Spicer Chabot on Bowel Movements and SVT

    Oh my goodness, thank you for this post. I thought I was imagining it but I saw a connection and began to look into it. I hate SVT it robs me of joy in my life. Thank you for this information.

    2012/09/11 at 10:51 pm
  • From Mark Farago on STAY COOL

    Thanks. I’ve noticed that any stressors, like heat, aggravate the SVT’s.

    2012/07/26 at 10:11 pm