Through the years, we have received amazing, insightful comments from people from all over the world. This page is a library of all those discussions for you to use as reference. The information here is extremely valuable and not to be missed. To add to the conversation, and receive my reply, you can comment on any of the blog posts. This page is for reference only.
From Jay on My Story
2013/11/11 at 4:12 amFrom nourishmyspirit on My Story
2013/11/11 at 5:08 pmFrom Susan on My Story
2013/11/09 at 4:57 pmFrom Hula Girl on Humid Weather Triggers SVT
2013/11/07 at 7:56 pmFrom HulaGirl on Bowel Movements and SVT
2013/11/06 at 3:41 pmFrom debhadden87 on ABOUT
2013/11/04 at 9:10 pmFrom onaille on ABOUT
2014/08/24 at 10:53 pmFrom nourishmyspirit on ABOUT
2014/08/25 at 1:38 amFrom Dr. George Blagoue on ABOUT
2014/01/02 at 8:07 pmFrom Cp on ABOUT
2015/07/07 at 2:56 amFrom debhadden87 on The COURSE
2013/11/04 at 9:10 pmFrom onaille on The COURSE
2014/08/24 at 10:53 pmFrom nourishmyspirit on The COURSE
2014/08/25 at 1:38 amFrom Dr. George Blagoue on The COURSE
2014/01/02 at 8:07 pmFrom Cp on The COURSE
2015/07/07 at 2:56 amFrom angela auxter on Listen to Your SVT
2013/11/04 at 4:29 pmFrom laura on Listen to Your SVT
2016/09/10 at 9:21 pmFrom sokkongtaing on ABOUT
2013/11/03 at 6:20 pmFrom nourishmyspirit on ABOUT
2013/11/04 at 3:04 pmFrom sokkongtaing on The COURSE
2013/11/03 at 6:20 pmFrom nourishmyspirit on The COURSE
2013/11/04 at 3:04 pmFrom Jenay Baker on What's in my smoothie?
2013/10/31 at 1:24 pmFrom nourishmyspirit on What's in my smoothie?
2013/10/31 at 2:02 pmFrom Stephanie on My Story
2013/10/28 at 4:29 amFrom nourishmyspirit on My Story
2013/10/28 at 2:38 pmFrom Kayleigh on My Story
2013/10/28 at 4:03 amFrom Sam on My Story
2015/06/30 at 11:07 amFrom Laura Madrigano on My Story
2015/06/30 at 11:55 amFrom nourishmyspirit on My Story
2013/10/28 at 2:47 pmFrom Cierra on My Story
2013/10/26 at 1:51 amFrom nourishmyspirit on My Story
2013/10/26 at 12:56 pmFrom Deborah Soulier on The INNER circle
2013/10/25 at 10:39 amFrom nourishmyspirit on The INNER circle
2013/10/25 at 12:51 pmFrom Deborah Soulier on The INNER circle
2013/10/25 at 10:53 pmFrom Axis Mundi on Gluten Intolerance and the SVT-GUT Connection
2013/10/22 at 8:49 pmFrom nourishmyspirit on Gluten Intolerance and the SVT-GUT Connection
2013/10/25 at 12:55 pmFrom Shaelyn on My Story
2013/10/08 at 2:56 amFrom subodh shukla (@suboshuk) on My Story
2016/01/13 at 6:49 amFrom Danielle on My Story
2014/09/25 at 12:49 amFrom Sophie on My Story
2014/08/06 at 9:23 amFrom Patricia Rupchock on My Story
2014/05/14 at 6:56 pmFrom nourishmyspirit on My Story
2014/05/14 at 7:48 pmFrom David on My Story
2014/01/05 at 4:17 amFrom nourishmyspirit on My Story
2014/01/05 at 3:19 pmFrom Anna on My Story
2013/10/08 at 6:37 pmFrom nourishmyspirit on My Story
2013/10/08 at 1:01 pmFrom Joshua Snyder Chhc Aadp on Gluten Intolerance and the SVT-GUT Connection
2013/09/21 at 1:46 pmFrom Felicia Holder on The INNER circle
2013/09/10 at 7:49 pmFrom Jen on The INNER circle
2015/07/29 at 9:35 pmFrom nourishmyspirit on The INNER circle
2013/09/11 at 12:09 amFrom Dave Leighton on The INNER circle
2014/03/20 at 8:08 pmFrom angela on SVT Question:
2013/08/29 at 3:32 amFrom Danielle on My Story
2013/08/25 at 3:01 pmFrom Danielle on My Story
2013/08/25 at 3:12 pmFrom jen on one year later...
2013/08/23 at 4:40 amFrom nourishmyspirit on one year later...
2013/08/29 at 12:40 pmFrom Debbie on Anxiety and SVT: Feel, Deal, Heal
2013/08/22 at 12:57 amFrom Debbie on Anxiety and SVT: Feel, Deal, Heal
2013/08/22 at 12:56 amFrom Candace Howze Ball on The INNER circle
2013/08/17 at 10:11 pmFrom Tracy on The INNER circle
2016/02/07 at 5:25 pmFrom Brandi on The INNER circle
2016/02/17 at 7:07 pmFrom Laura Madrigano on The INNER circle
2016/02/07 at 6:22 pmFrom needlestoneart on The INNER circle
2016/02/07 at 7:57 pmFrom Lisa on My Story
2013/08/14 at 3:25 pmFrom Melina on My Story
2013/08/14 at 11:23 amFrom Vivian Shawl on The INNER circle
2013/08/14 at 2:41 amFrom Michelle on My Story
2013/08/08 at 9:42 amFrom Deb on ABOUT
2013/07/29 at 3:42 pmFrom Deb on The COURSE
2013/07/29 at 3:42 pm