
Through the years, we have received amazing, insightful comments from people from all over the world. This page is a library of all those discussions for you to use as reference. The information here is extremely valuable and not to be missed. To add to the conversation, and receive my reply, you can comment on any of the blog posts. This page is for reference only.

  • From mary on Talk to Laura

    Wow Kristine…it so amazing you said that because I have always known there was some correlation bt my heart and my stomach. I have been trying to be alot more healthy with my eating ….however today, for some reason I was ravenous and I definately overate. Now my stomach is bloated and I am totally uncomfortable. and yep, my heart feels weird too….like the feeling you get before you have an episode of svt. I have been feeling pretty good because I have been being kind to myself with my self nurturing. But i am super glad that you mentioned the acid reflux. I use aloevera juice pretty frequently.. Tomorrows a new day..thanks, mary

    2014/04/03 at 12:02 am
  • From Max on Food Tracking for SVT Prevention

    Ciao Laura,
    I have been reading your blog for a while and I would like to say that your method works…but I am not cured yet!!
    For me, everything started in 2011, when I started feeling my heart “jumping” and that sense of “pause” immediately after.. oweful sensation.
    Soon after I started to notice some kind of tachycardia that only happened during the night and early morning just before waking up…..
    I saw 3 or 4 cardiologists, 3 or 4 GPs and at the moment I am seeing a nutritionist.
    From a 24h holter monitor they catched the “pause” and it was/is a series of Ventricular Ectopic beats (4 registered).
    From an event recorder results, came out that the night/morning Tachycardia is Atrial Tachy. (90/150/200 bpm). so, an SVT.
    I was having Ventricular Ectopics EVERY DAY until…I cut the Gluten…or the wheat, 3 months ago.
    The GF diet has helped me a lot on that issue (now I only have Ectopics every 3-4 weeks).
    The Atrial Tacky is still there, it has improved a little but is is still there…almost every night/morning (4-5-6 am)
    It is a very strange SVT because it only happens during the night or early morning and it last until I wake up or I open my eyes…really.
    As soon as I get up from the bed,..it slowly disappear….but if I try to get back to sleep, it will wake me up after a while… always.
    It looks like the SVT does not want me to sleep more than 6 or so hours…

    I know that my stomach / gut is involved but I am not sure if it is all it’s fault!!
    My SVT – Ectopic Beats is much longer than the brief above…all the rest is a mix of panic attacks, (due to hearth palpitations), unstable hormones (Estrone at 200)…

    Thanks for your blog I see the light now but it is still far away.

    I’ll have to reach it!
    Ciao, Massimo.

    2014/04/02 at 11:42 pm
  • From debhadden87 on Food Tracking for SVT Prevention

    I mean latest post not lastest post.

    2014/03/27 at 3:45 am
  • From debhadden87 on Food Tracking for SVT Prevention

    Hi Laura,

    I recently wrote an article on the connection between the ganglia nerve centers in our internal organs, nerve irritation, and heart rhythm problems. Having made this discovery, I know exactly what is causing my SVT’s. For me, it’s part of being female.

    Great idea on the food tracker because that definitely has a connection!

    It’s my latest post on my blog.


    2014/03/27 at 3:45 am
  • From Deborah Gray on My Story

    Just read your blog I have been suffering for nearly 3 years ! Felt like I was reading about me ! I went got an ablation yesterday but they could not get full on episode to sustain it self so cancelled ! Any advise please ? Thank you

    2014/03/26 at 7:54 pm
    • From nourishmyspirit on My Story

      I don’t have any experience with ablation…but since they couldn’t do it maybe its a sign to try some other more natural methods! How often do you have them? Do you have a healthy diet?

      2014/03/26 at 7:58 pm
      • From Tammy on My Story

        At 43 I have been diagnosed with SVT. I’m scared to death about having the electro physiologists’ suggested alblation. I’ve recenetly seen a doctor of natural medicine& I’m currently taking magnesium and 10Best supplements, & trying really hard to stop caffeine intake. I will be taking a hormone test by testing saliva & blood in the next 19 days.
        Do you think there is a possibility of palpitations happening to me frequently due to hormone levels being out of whack? I swear I am in perimenopause although all Dr.s tell me “no”. There are obviously other symptoms that have me convinced that I’m in perimenopause, but the palpitations do scare me, and I’m fortunate I’m able to stop them by bearing down. It’s just that my gut is telling me, if my hormones are out of whack, that itself can cause palpitations. So I feel I can maybe avoid the alblation if I can possibly get my hormones to balance out. What do you think?

        2014/06/01 at 5:57 am
        • From nourishmyspirit on My Story

          Hormones play a huge role with SVT…So many women experience a higher rate of SVT around their cycle. Myself included…I almost always had an SVT with my period. BUT, that changed after becoming GF and reducing my stress, increasing water, and vitamins etc…Keep searching for answers that work for YOUR BODY…There are so many ways to balance hormones these days, check out Dr. Christiane Northrup, she’s the leader on the subject…I LOVE her…Best of luck, keep me posted! xox

          2014/06/09 at 2:33 am
      • From Jason on My Story

        Thanks Laura for this excellent and in some ways comforting resource and to all its contributors. I wish you all good health and peace.

        Having suffered this unseen and often misunderstood affliction for 20 years (I am 44) I can attest that for me the psychological damage is the worst. I am ambitious at work, very social and love to travel and although I have enjoyed all of the above the “shadow” of having attacks has never left me and I guess it’s limited me and help me grow spiritually in varying measures.

        I suffer from a mixture of Afib (every year or so), skipped beats (daily) and since Jan 31st a racing heart every night between 1am to 5am lasting 2 to 20 minutes. I carry Fleiccanide for Afib and until 5 days ago was on Bisoprolol (beta blocker) to control attacks however I can bring them under control doing the vagal manouvre. I am just now wearing a monitor and have captured recordings for 3 nights so I’m expecting an SVT diagnosis. The Afib I have learned to physically manage over tbe years and it doesn’t panic me – although any activity that involves possible stress can be made 10 times worse due to the fear of an attack. (E.g. public speaking).

        The recent onset of possible SVT followed a month of doing a diet called the 4 hour body which involves eating beans and pulses and protein 6 days a week and then a binge on one day of whatever you like. My first SVT happened after a binge day. My guess is that this imbalanced dietary behaviour caused it. I stopped the diet but since then it’s been pretty much SVT fun every night! We had medics out for three nights trying to catch it but never did hence the monitor now strapped to me.

        I’m expecting an SVT diagnosis and then it depends on who your cardio guy is as to what the course of action is. Ablation seems to be the favoured approach and fears of complications should be lessened due the risks reducing as experience and updated technology factor in.

        Going “natural” is always an option but I think it is important to acknowledge that those that suffer with arrythmias have a cardiac defect that is exacerbated by certain triggers. Therefore the “cure” is actually surgery and natural measures are a prevention/ management strategy. For me having had this for 20 years the option of eliminating the defect and the psychological “shadow” appeals.

        Which path you take depends on many factors, physical and psychological.

        It is also well and good suggesting destressing but life is for many a confrontational event and not everyone has the mental capacity to deal with their obligations – or the luxury of removing them as well as deal with this problem.

        I’m sure analysis of diet and lifestyle with subsequent changes will improve if not offer a solution for many but for others surgery is the most practical/sensible option as like I’ve said it is a physical deficiency exacerbated by certain triggers.

        I wish you all the best in your search for a solution.

        Thanks again Laura.

        2014/03/29 at 8:16 am
  • From Candice on The INNER circle

    I’m very new to SVT. I gave birth jan 30th this year and I delt with thrush with my first child and didn’t want to do that with the second so I went on the Candida diet right away. (For those of you who don’t know it’s wheat, gluten, starch, dairy and sugar free diet). On Feb 17 I had my first episode lasting 30 seconds and shrugged it off as tired and dealing with two kids. I then had 1-3 each day, all lasting no longer than a minute for the following 2 1/2 weeks. Got put on a holter monitor and of course I didn’t have one while on it. Then I had a short one, none for almost two weeks and then my first longer one 14 min long which felt like forever. Ems came but by the time they came over my heart reversed itself. Two days later I had another one that would stop, ems caught that one and were just about to give me adenosine but then it reversed. I was diagnosed with SVT. Anyways today I had another episode and I tried valsalva maneuver, pushing on my eye lids, bearing down, drinking lots of cold water, massaging the side of my neck and slowing my breath, after 30 min it finally went down while I was just sitting there doing nothing. I just wanted to say thank you for letting it known that there are a lot of people out there dealing with SVT, it feels comforting to know that I’m not the only one that is dealing with this cloud.

    2014/03/26 at 3:55 am
    • From nourishmyspirit on The INNER circle

      Hi Candice, Just wondering a few things…when you say you went on a candida diet right away, do you mean during your whole second pregnancy you were gluten, dairy, starch, &sugar free? Also, just to clarify, are you saying that aprox 2 weeks after you delivered your second baby that your SVT started? If so, is it safe to assume you are not sleeping through the nite? Are you breastfeeding? I would love more information so I can help you put the pieces together…How many and what brand probiotics so you take? One of the most common triggers for SVT is Gluten, and Depletion. Taking care of a newborn will deplete anyone…so I will give you some ideas of things to do based on a few assumptions…that you are sleep deprived, taking care of a newborn, and breastfeeding….I would start with supplements…Take some form of cal mag citrate (powder form). add this to your water and have at least one glass per day. There is a product called CALM, it is another cal mag powder, if you cant find the citrate you can take that one. Also drastically increase your B’s and make sure to take D3. Also, increase your probiotics, and maybe even add a little iron (have you had this level checked recently?) How long have you been GF for? How much water are you drinking? Are you having bowel movements each morning? Are you drinking your greens? and DOWNLOAD the food tracker and fill it in for more clues…there are so many factors to an SVT, but lack of sleep and rest is just a gigantic trigger…Maybe you need more naps throughout the day…and I would be glad to help you with your food intake if you want to fill out the tracker….Feel to give me more details so I can help….All the best, Laura

      2014/03/26 at 4:20 pm
      • From Candice on The INNER circle

        Thanks for your reply Laura, I will start doing a few of these things! I was doing no refined sugar for the last three months of my pregnancy and then as soon as my boy was born I went on the diet. I didn’t want to restrict too many nutrients from him as the Candida diet is very strict, meaning you can’t even have fruit sugar. Then two almost three weeks after he was born the episodes started. I get about 5-8 hours of sleep/day (of course broken up). I am breastfeeding, I don’t take any probiotics right now but I will start, any recommendations? I take a pre-post-natal vitamin and a calcium (since I’m lactose intolerant). I will look for the cal mag citrate and start that right aways along with Vit B & D3. I just had my physical done 6 weeks postnatal and blood results came back normal. I drink about 12-16 cups of water/day and have 3-5 BM/day. I don’t drink my greens but I do eat a lot of green vegetables. I am not normally GF but I was on the candida diet with my first son for about 5 months and then with my second I started it after he was born. I do nap when I can but with a 21 month old and 2 month old it doesn’t work out all the time. I appreciate you asking my all these questions and helping me as I completely agree with you that your body responds to what you put in it. (Doctors said that my first son and I would have to be on medication for the whole time I was breastfeeding to keep our Thrush at bay, but I got rid of it within 2 weeks of changing my diet). I don’t think doctors put enough emphasis on how powerful diet can be, I think they have too many stocks in the pharmacy, lol. Thanks again for all your help!

        2014/03/27 at 2:38 pm
        • From nourishmyspirit on The INNER circle

          My pleasure! I love to help! I will review this again when I have more time and make more suggestions…but one thing I want to add asap is for you to increase your salt a little if that feels right for you. I make my own mixture of iodized sea salt and pink himalayian salt and I use a decent amount of salt per day…I find it helps me regulate my SVT symptoms on a daily basis…and if I feel “off” a little salt usually does the trick…I will write a post on it soon..The pink himalyian salt has a ton of minerals and then you want some iodine as well…Also, try to stay off the gluten…you need time to heal your intestinal track so you can actually really absorb all the awesome nutrients you are consuming….Just replace it with GF whole grains, rolled oats, brown rice. There are some good breads you can buy now, like Three bakers 7 grain. Whole grains are way better for you in the long run anyway. Gluten is so genetically modified now, that’s why everyone has a hard time digesting it…and it does damage long term…and YOU desperately need priobiotics. They will change your life. That’s the number one thing I would add in to keep the thrush away. I swear by probiotics, they have changed my overall health…(another blog post). Start with any refrigerated one. You can start with Jarro brand, or there are a ton of good ones out there…but they must be refrigerated. Absoultely not the ones in a box. Don’t go to GNC, try whole foods or a local health food store.

          2014/03/27 at 3:32 pm
  • From Kristine Hudson on Talk to Laura

    Hi Mary, I too have had SVT’s since September 2013 that were out of control!!! In December these episodes led me to seek cardiology help! Like you they wanted me to take pills which I declined and decided to seek out naturalpathic, acupuncturist and nutritional avenues. I also found great help and comfort From Laura’s website! I am eating clean food meaning no gluten,dairy,soy or any foods I am allergic to. I also avoid sugar and caffeine and take vitamin D,calcium and magnesium and drink green smoothies most days and eat organic. I have also been exploring my hearts emotions and learning to love myself and care about me first and foremost so I can be my very best for all! Iam so happy to say that I am feeling fantastic,sleeping well and not having SVT’s!!!! Hang in there and make the Commitment to yourself to do what it takes to feel healthy and you will start to feel wonderful again soon!!!! It’s only been a few months and I feel like a new woman and I know you will too!!! Sending you much love,undestanding & incouragement, Kristine

    2014/03/26 at 2:50 am
    • From kristine hudson on Talk to Laura

      Hi Mary, I just had a thought and I’m wondering if you acid reflux? The reason I ask is because I have it and when it’s not controlled my SVTs are out of control!!! I take 10mg of famotadine in the evening and this really has made a huge impact on stopping my SVTs along with the other changes!! Just last night I had redux and my heart was beating crazy so I took famotadine and it stopped! Just sharing. Because I firmly believe there is a link between redux and SVT! I hope you are well and on the path to recovery!!! Best wishes always, Kristine

      Sent from my iPhone Kristine

      2014/04/02 at 4:46 pm
    • From mary on Talk to Laura

      Thanks so much for your kind words Kristine! I am super encouraged by hearing about how your dietary changes and emotionally heart centered work has brought you to a place where you feel great. I truly believe that eating the junk food added to my svt for sure. Is there a website that gives you more info about gluten free diet? These past few weeks I have felt so bad…especially feeling that sheer terror when you feel like you have that pause immediately prior to an episode of svt….like your heart may stop.
      As far as emotions go, I have been journalling my heart out, doing alot of tapping, crying a whole lot….and trying to get in a recieving mode so I can open my heart up to support and love from others. A learning and humbling experience for sure.
      Thank God for websites like this one because it allows you to know you’re not alone.

      2014/03/26 at 9:53 am
  • From mary on Talk to Laura

    Another trip to the cardiologist today…stress test…echo..ekg’s…I think most of us know the routine. All he could say was ablation, ablation! meds to help with stress. Yikes…I am not a pill taker for sure.
    Today, I vowed when I left his office to change my diet , start to holistically heal my heart and finally pay attention to what its trying to tell me.
    I have never felt this physically and emotionally sick….so I take control here and now. I love this website and all of Lauras great info.
    Today is the first day of the rest of my life! Thankfully I got 2 weeks off as per my request from the doc. Lets support each other shall we….xo mary

    2014/03/26 at 12:45 am
  • From Patricia on The INNER circle

    This site is a godsend. After 25 years of off and on episodes i can concur with many of you here. No real answers or solutions from anyone in the medical field. No one knows why they come out of nowhere. Asleep or awake. Tired or refreshed. Stressed or calm. Alcohol or not. Good diet or bad diet. MD’s, Cardiologists, Natural paths, Chiropractors, Massage therapists, Vitamin husksters, Faith healers, i’ve been to them all. Many emergency visits including a cardioversion. No one knows why. Started when I was 34. Never smoked cigarettes or dope. Never did drugs. Normal blood pressure. BMI 22. Do exercise including cardio, lifting weights and yoga. Only solution offered is drugs (that don”t work) or a scary ablation where an SVT has to be induced to find the problem spot. Ablations are not risk free and they don”t always work..Am definitely going to try the gluten free route. haven”t read everyone”s advice, but will come back to look at everything. Thank You!


    2014/03/24 at 10:36 pm
  • From John Wright on Talk to Laura

    I control my SVT by daily lap swimming for 45 minutes with a front-mounted snorkel which allows me to relax and concentrate on my stroke rather than putting so much energy into turning my head to breath. I’m 6 feet, 180 pound, 68 year-old male. You don’t talk about exercise other than to say light exercise each day. I’m pushing myself to 60 lengths or 1 mile each day and getting my heart-rate up to 140 BPM. What is your exercise? Have you considered swimming or stationary cycling?

    2014/03/23 at 2:08 am
  • From Julia Fouracres on STRESS....and svt

    Thank you for the tips on stress relief. I am nearly 62yrs old and have suffered from svt since my thirties. I didn’t realise this was what it was untill I was 55. Silly as it sounds I only used to get it after 2 or 3 glasses of wine. I thought oh it will be gone by morning, shouldn’t have had that last glass of wine. I never thought I had a heart condition and I am thankful for that. I had a bout of it in the night which always freaks me out. I am suffering from stress and anxiety at present as I lost my mother last year. We were very close. I have just started to go to meditation class. Hopefully this may help. Julia

    2014/03/21 at 5:42 pm
    • From nourishmyspirit on STRESS....and svt

      Hi Julia, Im so sorry for the loss of your mother…I can only imagine how hard it must be to loose such a precious person in your life…All I can say, is be nurturing with yourself right now…and allow yourself to mourn and feel the loss….The natural state of grief will leave you healthier in the long run. Regarding the wine…when you drink wine, be sure to drink 2 glasses per water for every glass of wine and take 2 B supplements prior to drinking. Also load up on your other vitamins on the days you drink, like cal mag, D, pribiotics, and folic acid. Also, try to avoid eating sugar and drinking wine together…the combo will be too depleting…Im sure the meditation will help…and also try journaling! keep taking care of yourself and let me know how you are doing. Sending you lots of healing love and support!!! xoxox Laura

      2014/03/21 at 6:46 pm
  • From mary on Talk to Laura

    Got sent to the ER again! I feel like the svt and anxiety have taken over my body. I am seriously scared…since everyone poopoo’s it: it makes you feel like you’re losing your mind. I feel frustrated and at my witts end. Yet another cardiac workup…will it show anything.? Even in the er last night ! I could tell the doc was pushing my high BP and chest discomfort off on anxiety. God, its frustating and I have 3kids, work PT, and my hubby will be losing his job the end of next month….doesnt look like the stress is going anywhere, and I guess I am maxed out since I just had another svt episode. Started seeing a counselor and opening up tomore friends as well. Its a very humbling experience…I would appreciate any kind words or support. thank you..mary

    2014/03/21 at 1:11 pm
    • From nourishmyspirit on Talk to Laura

      Hi Mary, Sorry you are going through such a stressful time! Im just wondering what are your self-care routines? Are you drinking water? Taking Vit B and D? Are you Gluten free? If you tell me a little more about your diet, lifestyle, eating, sleeping habits, I can help you further…Just remember SVT (as you just pointed out) is more likely to occur when we are stressed, tired, depleted, and consuming trigger foods, etc…So we simply MUST do everything in our own power to counter those issues..Are you meditating, walking, taking baths, using essential oils to relax? I know it can seem overwhelming to take amazing care of ourselves admist all of life’s stressful things, but we only have one life to live!!!! Imagine that you really have the power to change your health! You CAN do it! Go through your cabinets, throw out the junk, drink green juices, wake up and stretch or go for a walk! Overhaul everything if you have to….You will be a great example for your family….No one can take care of YOU as good as YOU can! Let me know more details so I can see how I can help, all the best, xoxox Laura

      2014/03/21 at 2:51 pm
      • From mary on Talk to Laura

        Thank you Laura for catching the life line I threw out. Ya want to hear the ironic part, I am a certified holistic nurse. Crazy right….I am presently working in a hosp setting on a traumafloor, which is fast paced and really difficult. as far as self practices, I started to journal and use the tapping technique to help with my anxiety…about a 3months ago, mainly because I was taking time off so I could have my gall bladder out. I feel as though I have been on a treadmill for years now…working 2jobs at times to keep the family afloat, whilemy hubby was out of work.
        As far as diet, I was raced with junk and have over the past couple of years have gone to food to combat stress. It felt like food was the only way I could nurture myself. Each time I would binge eat, it made me feel worse…hence the gall bladder is now out.
        I started back to the gym about 3weeks ago and I think I might of pushed too hard too fast because I would feel like my heart rate would nevercome down. It has been 2 years since I had my last svt episode..had the full cardiac w/u showed just a hypersensitivity. Doc attributed to stress.
        Lately, I have felt anxiety, especially at work…with kids at home…financial stuff. Tapping helps…meditating…I filled an entire journal over past 3 months. So many reallizations of how self nurturing for moi was falling by the wayside…my diet is junk with some bouts of fruit…
        I am reallizing just how critical I am with myself…and as Louise Hay says, be a friend to yourself..and love yourself.
        Thanks for being such a caring soul! My heart is wide open for any healthy info and any tlc..xo mary

        2014/03/21 at 6:37 pm
        • From nourishmyspirit on Talk to Laura

          HI Mary, I had a baby this year and as I review the site I see that I missed approving a few outstanding comments! Yours was one of them, my apologies!!!! I hope you are finding ways to self-care and eat a healthier diet! Try starting with simple things like brown rice, beans and veggies! I love tapping, journaling, and just plain old resting! A good sleep routine works wonders. In fact, my sleep is off right now because of my baby and my risk of SVT is higher than its been in ages. Start with SLEEP, WATER, and putting as many healthy foods in your body as possible. LEt me know how you are doing! all the best, xoxox LAura

          2014/08/24 at 4:18 am
  • From Ashley on The INNER circle

    I have same symptoms, very hot and the last one happened after I had a sleepless night. I have noticed last two times mine have happened, my potassium was low.

    2014/03/20 at 11:28 pm
  • From mary on The INNER circle

    I feel so blessed to have found this website! It just makes it easier to know I am not the only one. I had an SVT episode at work last night (and being a nurse, surrounded by nurses) all they wanted to do was get me to the ER for adenosine. I knew that as long as I drank a ton of water, and continued to bear down, my heart rate would slow down. I have had every monitor in the book , as well as test, and I have never been able to catch the rythmn…by the time they got the monitor on me last night, I was in the 140’s. Frustrating, to say the least.

    I have seen 2cardiologists, who both say meds and ablation…Being from a holistic background, I say no to both.

    When I replay my day yesterday, yelling at the kids…worrying about hubby losing his job…and taking care of difficult patients….I haven’t been sleeping well lately either. All those symptoms lined me up good for an episode.

    I have to practice what I preach for stress reduction..because I known that’s a big piece of it. I also, will check out gluten free.

    Just want to say hanks for being my refuge in the storm!

    2014/03/18 at 4:08 pm
  • From ImTheNana (@LaylaChloesNana) on Adrenal Fatigue

    Good eating and resting habits are important, but don’t forgo checking out the SVT with a trusted physician. My SVTs are from WPW, a condition I have had since birth, which my son also had. His was discovered first via a pre-employment screening, but mine falls under the small percentage of ‘hidden’ WPW, which does not show up on an EKG, and was found via a 30-day event monitor. WPW can cause sudden cardiac death, and is not something corrected by a healthy lifestyle (although, again, that’s a good thing to do anyway).

    2014/03/17 at 7:47 pm
  • From Stephanie Brunk on My Story

    Your story could be my story!! Including the reaction to pot and the worsening of symptoms after having a child. I too have figured out that many o the things you are doing have helped the svt. I am intrigued to read more. Love the part about the mis-firing and feeling weird before an svt or feeling that way and an svt never happens!!! I thought I was crazy!! So glad it happens to others. I still haven’t found a doc who believes that I shouldn’t have an ablation. They treat me like I am crazy for not having one so I haven’t been in for a check up in a few years. Thanks for this blog!!!

    2014/03/16 at 2:03 pm
  • From Domenic Giovinazzo on The INNER circle

    Hi recently I was diagnosed with SVT I’ve had 2 attacks which landed me in emergency. I know nothing of this condition and of course Heart specialist didn’t explain much. Glad I found this site. Now at least I know what it is. My question is.I’ve planned on a trip to Universal studios in Orlando Florida. AreĀ rollercoasters and all those rides I love out of the question now that I have SVT?

    2014/03/16 at 4:08 am
    • From Heather on The INNER circle

      Hi Domenic- I wonder the same question. How did your trip go? i have to say I’ve been on a few rides in recent years (Space Mountain for example) and been living with SVT for about 5-6 years. Rides are enjoyable to me so I find it doesn’t trigger an episode (so far). I also like hiking and felt like i was going to have an episode while going up a steep incline once, but that turned out to be anxiety not an SVT episode. Being “at rest” is when my attacks have always occurred. How about you?

      2014/06/25 at 5:03 am
  • From Damura on My Story

    Reading this in tears because I feel the same way since I was diagnosed in 2009 I have not been the same person I live in fear of it happening and I have 3 beautiful children and pray it doesn’t happen while I’m alone with them I just want to be happy again

    2014/03/13 at 4:31 am
  • From Karyn on The INNER circle

    No, but I get really shaky before,and during.. If I do breathing exercises when I feel that way it helps to shorten the duration of the attack.. I also need to make sure that I don’t get dehydrated.

    2014/03/10 at 12:53 am
  • From Eve on The INNER circle

    Hi Laura,
    Your blog has provided me with great comfort as I have had about 4-5 of these in the last 4 years and had no idea what it was until they caught it on EKG last year in an ambulance. I just had another yesterday after being on Metaprolol for the last 8-9 months. I am convinced that diet plays a huge roll and am finally committed to get off wheat and gluten and to start keeping a food journal. I need to read more comments as I browse here, but somehing that i experience is like a BODY FALLOUT !!! My arms and legs lose all strength and post an episode like today for example, i am weak as though I have been in a car accident. Has anybody else exerienced these symptoms during and after an episode ??


    2014/03/09 at 3:06 pm
  • From allisonk on My Story

    Great to find this site.
    I was diagnosed with SVT in December of 2013. It was my third “official” episode and I made it to the ER in time for them to catch it on a EKG. Since December I have not had an episode but have had very small runs – like 5-6 beats really fast and then it stops. I have seen 4 doctors. I selected the doctor for my ablation and am set for surgery at the end of March. Sure, I’m scared of the procedure. I have a little toddler and I want to make sure I take care of myself so I can live a longer life. After the December episode (my first episode also happened when I was pregnant), I cut out Alcohol, Sugar, Gluten and Caffeine completely. I have lost 18 lbs since December and my heart does feel calmer overall. I plan to lose another 40 lbs. I walk daily and have started a mindfulness practice.

    The ablation is an obvious choice for me. I want to be able to go camping with my daughter, fly to Europe, and every once in a while enjoy a decaf coffee. I know the decision is difficult, but not knowing when this will happen again or where I will be is really difficult. I travel a lot for work and avoiding planes for the rest of my life would be nearly impossible.

    I wish everyone luck with their journey. I’ll post again after my ablation to share how it went.

    Thank you for this site. It is one of the only good resources I could find online. Someone should write a book!

    2014/03/04 at 9:19 pm
    • From Allison on My Story

      Just wanted to provide a update.

      I have a SVT ablation in March. The ablation was successful and I feel great. I am still gluten-free and exercising more than I ever have in my life. Every once in a while I’ll have 3 fast beats in a row and then that’s it. It just stops. Which is terrific! I continue to take fish oil, COQ10 and Vit D daily. Glad I had the ablation.

      I feel like the dark cloud of SVT has opened up to bright sunny skies. Wish everyone well on this journey!

      2014/07/11 at 2:39 pm
  • From Bagette on My Story

    My SVT was brought on by stress, and high blood pressure. The only time food has effected it, is if I’ve over eaten for instance, during a holiday.
    I started having palpitations and heart “attacks” a few times a month. When I had my first severe attack @ 280 bpm, I was sitting in a training class for my job. My 2nd attack, I was LAUGHING with my father, telling jokes… of all things.. Talk about a mood breaker! One of my happier times, is what set of my SVT.
    Each ride in the ambulance they hit me with 3 shots of Adenosine, gradually increasing the dose *6 to 12 to 18*. They tripled the initial dose.. It feels like you’re dying, because technically, you are.. That medication is made to shut down your heart in attempts to reboot it and hopefully reset the internal pacemaker, and each time they hit me, they upped the dose which made the feeling worse. When they reached the max dose, if no positive result, they told me my only possible chance was being shocked. I’m sorry, but food does not have that kind of affect on the electrical impulses in your heart. Its the pressure. Heavier people like me, have it worse.
    One time, the doctor thought he had it fixed with a calcium channel blocker. Atenolol or something. It stopped, and they sent me on my way. I got up, and walked 3 feet, and it came back full force. There’s nothing they can really do to help because they don’t know how.
    As I’ve read, a lot of you said you bend over and it starts. If you stoop, cough, laugh, etc… That will all set it off. I can sneeze, and it goes off.. I can just be sitting still, not doing nothing, and my heart will spaz out. It’s ridiculous..
    So, I had the ablation done *unsuccessfully* in Jan. of 2010. They were able to fix 4 or 5 of the shorts on the left side. However, they were not advanced enough to fix the 4 or 5 others on the right side. So, I’m currently on Flecainide 200mg/day to try to keep it in check. But, I stilI have constant lapses where my heart ‘jumps’ hard enough that I become vocal and yell, or jump from the intensity. But ironically, they don’t consider this life threatening. I’m more than willing to find another cardiologist who is capable of fixing this, and take my chances with the surgery. Because, these ‘shutters’ and ‘jolts’ effect my everyday life..
    Since the ablation, it happens whenever it feels like it. With or without the medication. It’s very scary for me because my family history of heart disease. I’m 31 now, and my fear is that I won’t make it to 40 (and that’s reaching)..
    It’s also never consistent. My most recent attack was walking through the grocery store the other night… Heart just started beating like crazy. I just leaned against the freezer and prayed for that huge palpitation ‘BUMP’ to let me know it’s ended.. It takes such a toll on my body, like I’ve run a marathon. Granted, the beats aren’t near as fast since the surgery, but… Enough to give me an instant headache, and pressure..
    You do not have sufficient blood flow when this happens, and it’s scary.. I can’t do anything without it going off!! Funny thing is, the insurance company says the surgery is “not medically necessary”, and it’s “not life-threatening”..
    Your heart IS your lifeline.. I was unaware it wasn’t necessary to have.. So, if that’s the case, just take the whole thing out.. I’m done.. =/

    2014/03/03 at 7:55 pm
  • From Kaleen on My Story

    So thankful to find this encouraging website! I’m 32 years old and I’ve had suspected svt for about 8 years. My “attacks” have been close to 2 years apart, with most of them happening during pregnancy. And 3 of them have definitely been immediately after bending down and standing up quickly. Why is that??
    Now this morning I had another one. This time we got to the ER to get an EKG and I was finally officially diagnosed with SVT. Now here’s where I’m confused. I’ve read so many testimonies on this site about gluten seeming to trigger the episodes. And the funny thing is, is that my husband and I happened to be doing a detox in which we are avoiding gluten, dairy, sugar and anything processed. We are 10 days into it. So why, after going gluten free for the first time in my life….did I have an “attack?” It’s been 2.5 years since my last one. I didn’t accidentally eat any gluten. We’ve been very diligent. The attack happened at 9 am and I had not been able to eat any bfast or drink any water yet. But that’s not terribly abnormal for me as I’m a busy mom of 3. We were getting ready for church and I bent down to get the kids shoes…and it hit. I feel very discouraged today. I can’t tell you how good it was to find this site. I don’t feel so alone! Thank you!

    2014/03/02 at 11:48 pm
    • From nourishmyspirit on My Story

      Hello my dear thank you so much for posting ! The key message to get from this site is that everyone’s health is a combination of layers. If I had to pick one main contributor to svt it would be Depletion. Gluten is huge too. Since you are doing a cleanse I would say that maybe you depleted yourself a little too much of something. Not drinking water and not eating is definitely not good for you you might have just been out of balance. Your electrolytes might’ve been low and it could be so many reasons also if you’re doing a cleanse and you’re going to the bathroom a lot having bowel movements and you’re not replenishing that’s definitely a contributor. The key thing to look at with SVT is what in your opinion did you do differently…what do you think contributed to it? The last thing to think about is that while I talk a lot about gluten as it’s such a common allergen for so many people,my main point that I encourage everybody to do is to do their own stool sample with enterolab and figure out what their allergens are. Until then I would say that even though for whatever reason you think this cleanse is good for you it doesn’t seem to agree with your body at this time. I would definitely think about how you can replenish!!! Drink tons of water, eat your greens,eat some nice warm quinoa, beans, dulse, brown rice lots of veggies take your vitamins take your B take your D3 take your probiotics and cal mag citrate, and see how you feel… It’s always a mystery why somebody has an SVT,what the contributing factors were and I would say just dig deep and see if you think this cleanse was too much for you..sounds like maybe it was…all the best to you,try not to worry too much,the good news is is that you’re down to having them every couple of years as opposed to every couple of days like some people..so stay positive and if I can help you any further please don’t hesitate to post again!!

      2014/03/03 at 2:12 am
  • From Kelsey on The INNER circle

    I just recently had my first major episode. For years I just have had small episodes that last only a minute or two with my chest feeling very uncomfortable, palpitations and dizziness. The more recent episode I was just warming up doing some light jumping and I started to feel really tired all over and my throat and chest got tight. I kept going not thinking it was anything serious when I could feel my heart start to beat faster than it should. Luckily I was in physical therapy so my physical therapist was able to help me sit down since I had gotten very light-headed at that point. My heart rate was 278! My oxygen level and blood pressure was fine though. My chest felt uncomfortable and tight and the most pain was in my back. I had to go to the ER because after 5 minutes of my heart barely going down to 234 and no one knowing exactly what was happening. The doctor told me after some tests that it was SVT but the cause so far is unknown. I wore a heart monitor for 24 hours and don’t know yet if anything showed up. I did have a small episode while wearing the monitor. Next month I will hopefully be seeing a cardiologist. I have an older friend who told me about her experience. She took meds that didn’t help and in the end she has surgery. She still has symptoms once in a while. . In the past doctors told me it was probably just panic or anxiety attacks but as far as I know when someone is having an attack of that kind they can breath and normalize their heart beat by normal breathing. When my heart rate was at 278 I tried breathing deeply to slow down my heart rate but that didn’t help.I’m just looking for tips of what to say to doctors and dealing with SVT on a daily basis and the best way to go about treatment.

    2014/02/27 at 1:01 am
    • From nourishmyspirit on The INNER circle

      Sadly, there really are no tips to say to a cardiologist. They are in complete denial about contributors that are clearly within our control. If you meet a cardiologist that says anything other than go on meds, get abalation, and avoid caffeine…please POST about it. Their thinking is old fashioned and not WHOLE-istic in any way. Its truly a sin, as so many other health issues have made advancements with such proven benefits just by changing lifestyle habits…Just look at the advancements in diabetes type 2. Its proven and accepted that its reversable with diet alone! If I were you, I would look at WHAT if anything you did differently prior to your episode…Were there any obvious contributing factors? Extra tired? Ate wheat within 24-48 hours? Didn’t have a proper bowel movement? Dehydrated? Stressed? Love D3 or B or cal-mag? In the end, the best way to go about treatment is whatever you feel is BEST for YOU! There is no one treatment, BUT whatever you decide, still try to self-care the best way you can, rest, eat well, drink lots of water, add in greens, and give your heart the joy it deserves by letting go of anger, and doing what makes you happy…cut out all the rest…Remember your heart doenst have a voice to shout out what it needs…its up to us to go deep and discover how to feed it…Pay attention to it, it needs you!! Much love, and healing, Laura

      2014/02/27 at 3:33 am
      • From Bill on The INNER circle

        Well I wasn’t aware that there were so many people who have the same thing, I have had episodes of this for years. However I must be lucky because usually my episodes are separated by 4 or 5 years never caught one on an ekg until i had one Sunday night was building a fire and felt a small thump I stood up and walked around trying to take slow deep breaths sometimes it goes away but it did it again and again didn’t want to feel my pulse cause I knew but i did and I went to the er my pulse wasn’t as bad as some of the people on this site it was 150 on the ekg i have eaten some of the same food as i did Sunday and so far so good Dr put me on antenolol 25 mg only been on it 2 days I’m 46 hate to think about being this way for the rest of my life there’s not a lot of quality life when your afraid to even go for a walk for fear of triggering it im light headed all day and feels sore in my chest n back I hope that it goes away in a few days maybe if I stop thinking about it it consumes my thinking all day long I believe that your mind is a very powerful thing and sometimes I feel like I make it worse when I think about it all the time just want to be normal thanks for listening

        2014/11/12 at 8:58 pm
  • From Jonathan on My Story

    Hello and thank you Laura for this wonderful site and to all the people who have shared their experiences.
    Many of the stories people have posted are very similar to my own experience of living with SVT.
    I’ve lived with this condition all my life (I’m now 44 years old).
    One of my first memories is of having an episode when I was around five years old. I don’t remember having too many attacks (is attack the right word?) during my childhood but as I recall they did happen from time to time and I quickly learnt how to stop them by crouching down. They would only last for a short time, a minute or two and as soon as my heart had corrected I could carry on as normal. I never told anybody about it and (as one of the other posters said) I just accepted it, it was my heart thing that sometimes happened but even though I did accept it I was very anxious about it.
    I think the attacks became more regular when I reached my teens, probably because I was putting nicotine, alcohol and caffeine into my body for the first time.
    In my early twenties I had a panic attack one night while I was lieing in bed,my heart suddenly started pounding in my chest, it was different from my previous weird heartbeat experiences and very scary, I told my girlfriend who was lieing next to me in the dark to phone an ambulance, by the time the ambulance arrived my heart was back to normal but I went off to hospital anyway.
    After that I had some tests done, chest xray, ecg, bloodtests, ambulatory monitoring with a Walkman type tape recorder that I had to take away and wear and press record if I had a symptom , but they never happened while I was wearing it.
    The doctor told me I had a condition called SVT, it wasn’t life threatening but was more of a nuisance and I should just get on with my life, he added that I should avoid stimulants, coffee, alcohol etc.
    I was relieved that my heart thing now had a name and I wasn’t going to drop down dead because of it, so I did what the doctor said and got on with my life.
    The attacks have continued to happen mostly they last for a few minutes and I can stop them the same way I discovered all those years ago.
    I have had some bad ones where I thought I was going to die.The bad ones have happened whilst exercising and my heart rate has already been quite high.
    Stress is a definite trigger I’m positive about that, so managing stress is something I try to do through a philosophical outlook on life, I’ve found Buddhist philosophy to be very helpful although I wouldn’t call myself a practicing Buddhist.
    I currently have symptoms most days, not always full attacks but nearly attacks or extra beats.
    I stopped the cigarettes fifteen years ago, rarely drink alcohol now or coffee.
    I’m quite sure that sugar is a trigger so I go through phases of cutting it out and then when things improve gradually I go back onto the chocolate, so I plan to cut it out for good.
    I’ve been very interested to read about some of the other triggers, particularly gluten so I’m going to keep a diary and make dietary changes, learn about gluten and try and cut it out.
    I never tell anybody about my condition, its always been my guilty secret and I’ve always been a bit ashamed of it so its really great to read about other peoples experiences and to share mine.
    I’ve found SVT to be a bit more than just the ‘inconvenience’ the doctor described it as, it saps your self confidence and can stop you from doing all sorts of things due to the worry of having an attack. I know there is more I can do through the natural holistic things described here so I’m going to spend more time researching this site and the directions the site takes me in and will let you know how I get on.

    2014/02/24 at 1:37 am
  • From debbie on My Story

    I don’t know how to edit my comment above but I did not type “high catecholamine levels”! I don’t know how that was inserted…very strange! Please disregard that part as I have no idea what it is or what my levels are.

    2014/02/23 at 7:25 am
  • From debbie on My Story

    I’m very thankful for this site as a place of optimism and valuable information! I just had my first episode of SVT at 51 years of age. I am just starting this journey and was overwhelmed by the depressing stories I read on the internet. I have been researching as much as possible to prepare for my doctor visit. My daughter, who happens to be the one who has encouraged me to remove gluten from my diet before this even happened, found your blog. It really has been the most encouraging and empowering resource I have found!! I was speed walking/ slow jogging a mile to check my time so I could work on my fitness. Beforehand I had a cup and a half of coffee, a pineapple, banana, coconut oil smoothie AND a decongestant. Now I know that is a recipe for disaster. I felt like I might pass out and used a blood pressure cuff at home to find my pulse was 190. My husband took me for my first visit ever to the ER and thru vagal method and blowing thru a syringe I was able to reduce it to 120. I later received an injection of a beta blocker to get it down further. From what I read, I’m thankful I didn’t need Adenosine! I have PVC’s which were captured on the EKG as well as the SVT, high catecholamine levels and those I am familiar with. I have felt those on and off for years. Thru prayer and positive changes I hope to heal my heart….thanks for being here for us!!!

    2014/02/23 at 7:18 am
  • From Tonya Poorman on My Story

    Aww…finally! Some information! Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!
    I was diagnosed with STV a few years ago, after being in ER. I hd been cleaning, and bent down for a moment only to feel my heart THUMP really hard then start racing. Faster and faster and faster! Had to sit, and could feel my body litteraly bounce off the chair. Scary! Told myself if it didn’t stop in 10 minutes of drive to ER. So off I went. There, they monitored me asap, my heart was beating 256 bpm. By now it had been 40 min. They shot me adenosine and a few minutes later it was normal again.
    I have had lapband survey in 2010 and can’t eat much, especially bread and pasta. I have also had a hysterectomy last year.
    My father died if a heart attack at 51 and my grandfather did as well, when he was in his 50’s. I am 38,.female. I worry.
    Last night I had 8 start and stops while lounging on the couch. I had been there for many hrs watching tv. Nothing different than I normally do in the evening.
    I also had a severe attack at work two weeks ago. My heart beat was so fast, no one was able to get my pulse. It stopped about a half hr later.
    I’m not sure if I should see a Dr at Mayo. I live about 40 minutes from Rochester andtrust dDrs at mayo. But I don’t want to waste anyone’s time if this is nothing to worry about. It just really scares me. What if did nothing and I die from it?

    2014/02/15 at 6:40 am
  • From Melissa on Talk to Laura

    Hello. I was diagnosed with svt about a year ago. I’ve had an ep study with an attempted ablation which didn’t go as planned, so my ep decided not to ablate. I’m on a beta blocker to control my heart rate, but I still have svt episodes. I have completely cut out caffeine, alcohol, gluten from my diet. I drink a ton of water. I eat no sweets (and I mean none…no cookies, candy, cake etc) and limit my “junk food” to say maybe a handful of gluten free potato chips. I eat almost entirely fresh produce and some meats. My svts and the anxiety that comes alone with it has gotten much better since changing my entire lifestyle, but I still have episodes on occasion, especially right before my period. I’m wondering first of all, if I’m missing something. Secondly, I am curious to know exactly what about gluten is bad for svt. Friends and family ask me all the time and I’m never good at explaining it. I’ve done it because I’ve read gluten is bad, but I’d like a reason why. Thanks so much!

    2014/02/13 at 5:10 pm
    • From nourishmyspirit on Talk to Laura

      Hello, thank you for your post. Gluten is “Bad” if you are allergic to it. Its also genetically modified and in nearly everything which means we are just overall consuming way too much of it. If you are allergic to it and eliminate it, after about a year you will start to absorb your minerals and nutrients again. The more nourished you are the less likely an SVT. Since you are doing the basics and still having SVT’s I would look at all the other things I list on this site.
      1. Did you do the stool sample? This gives YOU specific knowledge about your food allergies and clues on how exactly to modify your diet further
      2. Do you drink your greens?
      3. How long have you been GF?
      4. How are your self-care methods?
      5. Do you push yourself? Do you have old anger that needs releasing? Are you living a joyful, loving happy life? Is your heart happy?
      6. how are your stools? Analyze those to see if your diet and absorbtion is on track…What do they look like? How frequent etc.
      7. Are you taking your probiotics?
      8. Are you taking B’s D3? cal mag?
      9. Do you eat quiona and beans and lots of veggies?

      Since you seem like someone who is willing to do whatever it takes to support your SVT, just look at all these other areas and see if there is room anywhere else to further tweek things….Try journaling with your heart and SVT and ask it for guidance on what it needs so you can try to provide it! Best of luck, email anytime and I will try to help! Love and healing, Laura

      2014/02/13 at 11:40 pm
      • From Melissa on Talk to Laura

        1-I did not do the stool sample…are you referring to the one enterolab offers? I just found out about these stool tests and I am planning to do it. 2-I eat a lot of fruits and vegetables not I don’t drink them. 3-I went gf back in march, did that for several months, and then my ep told me it was foolish and the only foods that affect svt are caffeine and alcohol. I went back to eating gluten, felt like my svts got worse, but I couldn’t be sure because anxiety attacks started happening, and it’s hard to distinguish the difference sometimes. In December I resumed a fully gf lifestyle, I eat none. 4-I’m sorry, I don’t know what you mean by self care. 5-I live a mostly happy life. My job is demanding and stressful, but I manage. Home life is pretty good as well. 6-I usually go once a day, sometimes more, but at least once. It’s solid and usually greenish in color, I assume because I eat so much spinach, broccoli, etc. 7 and 8-no. I’m not familiar with either of those. 9-I do tons of vegetables, beans a few times per week. I haven’t had quinoa but I do gf rice in occasion. I truly appreciate your help.

        2014/02/14 at 3:29 am
  • From Ingrid on The INNER circle

    I had a holter monitor for 24 hrs and had 102 PACs (premature atrial contractions) and nearly the same amount of SVT- the only last for 5 beats, I had one 15 beat run, so they are very short lived. But the happen every day throughout the day- and 85-90% of the time they occur when I swallow food. Anyone else had this similar problem?

    2014/02/13 at 5:07 pm
    • From nourishmyspirit on The INNER circle

      If they happen every time you swallow food, have you looked at all your food, chewing and eating routines for answers…You may need to take your eating to a whole other level of peace and calm eating. Try turning off all electronics and set a table with flowers and candles. Make a nice soup filled with beans and veggies and make it super soft and soothing…Take 3 -6 really nice long deep breathes before eating and ask yourself what if anything is bothering you or stressing you out….Write down some things that come up for you in a journal…then reply in your journal that you promise to help handle the things that come up and that to find the energy to resolve inner turmoil you need to nourish yourself…and that you are going to enjoy a bowl of soup and then tackle one stressful things afterwards…Try that routine for a while and see if it helps…Other tips are:
      1. Don’t eat fast or in the car
      2. Chew each bite 30 times min.
      3. Always do breathwork before eating
      4. do your stool sample at enterolab to see what you are allergic to so you can stop eating it. the fact that your SVTS happen every time you eat are a clue that what you are eating doenst agree with you.

      Best of luck, please email any time if you want further support or need help going deeper…love and healing laura

      2014/02/13 at 11:46 pm