
Through the years, we have received amazing, insightful comments from people from all over the world. This page is a library of all those discussions for you to use as reference. The information here is extremely valuable and not to be missed. To add to the conversation, and receive my reply, you can comment on any of the blog posts. This page is for reference only.

  • From Pamela C payne on Heal SVT Naturally: Find Your Heart Joy...

    These were very thought provoking questions. I have needed something to get me Journaling again and your prompts are a great place to start. One of your best post yet! Thank you.

    2017/08/02 at 10:44 am
    • From laura on Heal SVT Naturally: Find Your Heart Joy...

      Wonderful Pam. Thank you for sharing! I am working behind the scenes on more guided journaling exercises. Will keep you posted as they are ready!

      2017/08/07 at 6:58 pm
  • From Robert Denney on Brand New Top 10 Tips to Heal SVT Naturally

    I have SVT, but contradictions are being made by consultants. One said a small piece of dark chocolate will help your heart and SVT. The other consultant said it will start an SVT attack. Who do we believe?

    2017/07/26 at 5:57 pm
    • From laura on Brand New Top 10 Tips to Heal SVT Naturally

      Hi Robert, Thank you for commenting. I would say believe yourself! Your BODY has all the answers you need. Listen to it, see how you feel after you eat certain foods. Keep in mind that while many people have common SVT triggers, we also have unique ones as well depending on our WHOLE health story. So chocolate may be OK for some people but not for others. I think it depends a lot on the rest of your diet as well as several other factors. Have you ordered the new e-guide? The Indispensable Guide to Navigating SVT? I discuss the core contributors to SVT and think you will find it useful. Keeping a food diary to track how you feel after eating certain foods is very helpful. Most importantly for now, use what I call SVT back tracking to find links between food and day to day SVT triggers.

      2017/08/07 at 7:05 pm
  • From Shannon Pavek on Adrenal Fatigue + SVT

    I am taking 12.5 mg of Metoprolol, I picked up some Rhodolia Rosea supplement to try, but after doing some research I found that it can set off tachycardia… and shouldn’t take it if you have low blood pressure. I had normal 120/76 before I started taking a 1/2 dose of the Metoprolol and it is now anywhere between 115/70 – 110/68. So as you can see I’m a bit nervous about taking anything else that could either set it off or cause my bloop pressure to lower any further. I am and have been looking for an alternative to the beta blocker for a while, but just nervous to transition to something else… I could really use some advice.

    2017/07/12 at 8:53 pm
    • From Maxine on Adrenal Fatigue + SVT

      Rhodiola is a fabulous herb for adrenal fatigue but when there is SVT etc to consider it definitely can trigger an episode Shannon.

      2018/04/13 at 3:09 am
    • From laura on Adrenal Fatigue + SVT

      Hi Shannon, When you are on medication, you should always discuss with your Dr. before taking any supplements. I have never been on medication. I did not have any issues with Rhodolia Rosea and I too have low blood pressure in general. You can also look into adrenal support by PURE, I took that as well. Most importantly, if you are afraid to take anything then try to reduce stress, rest daily, dont push yourself, eat right, no white sugar etc. There are lots of natural ways to reduce adrenal fatigue, supplements arent a must.

      2017/07/26 at 4:06 pm
  • From Jennifer on Convert SVT: Valgo-A Breakthrough for the SVT Community

    Thank you, Laura, for your nice website. I wanted to ask you if you had ever (in the past)considered ablation, as it is a minimally invasive procedure. I have been considering that procedure lately and wonder if you ever had. Of course, if I alter my diet (which is already pretty good)and can thus alter my frequency of SVT by doing that, will be great. Still, I can’t help thinking that the root cause of all this is just a defective area of muscle on my heart and that ablation is probably the most definitive way to take care of this once and for all. Thank you so much.

    2017/04/20 at 3:34 pm
    • From laura on Convert SVT: Valgo-A Breakthrough for the SVT Community

      Hi Jennifer! No I cant say I ever really considered ablation. The thought of it propelled me into a holistic direction. I always questioned why on certain days the extra pathway mattered and was triggerd and on others (most) it didn’t. When I tracked my SVT’s, they always occurred from the physical standpoint if I didn’t have a bowel movement, overate, ate sugar, gluten, over indulged in alcohol, didnt sleep well etc. Then they also occurred from emotional triggers such as stress, feeling unheard, scared and more, and even deeper, I found them to be related to not feeling like I was living my life purpose etc. Today I have no need for ablation or to consider it as SVT is a non-issue for me now. I dont have episodes anymore. I dont have mis-fires that I fear will lead to one, etc. I know the many changes I have made have filled my bucket of depletion, balanced my hormones, address old wounds from the past, and massive diet changes have helped to heal my gut and reduce inflamation. I listen to my heart in every way that I can, and I use my SVT as my barometer to tell me if I get off track…When I do for too long, I can feel the changes in my body now…I will get certain symptoms and respond to them long before they result in an SVT. I dont believe ablation addresses any of the root issues I mentioned…It’s true it may help your SVT if all goes well…but the imbalances or things your heart is speaking out for will have to find a new outlet to be heard…xo

      2017/04/25 at 9:37 pm
  • From Arciaga sun on Convert SVT: Please take this Survey for new SVT conversion device called Valgo!

    When will the valgo device be available in the usa

    2017/04/19 at 6:25 pm
  • From Jackie on Convert SVT: Valgo-A Breakthrough for the SVT Community

    Please let it come here quickly!! What else can we do and do we know if when the clinical trials will be completed

    2017/04/18 at 10:43 pm
  • From I hope it never comes back and can't come back?my name is didne garrett on Convert SVT: Please take this Survey for new SVT conversion device called Valgo!

    I had SVT. I had the procedure done two years ago very scary I hope it never happens again my heart still flutters sometime I also have anxiety this would be awesome to have I hope it never comes back and can’t come back?

    2017/04/10 at 2:04 am
  • From Kim on Travel and SVT

    I was 2 hrs into a 23 hour flight from Australia to New York (QANTAS), travelling alone when i felt really light headed and floaty! I had a cardiac ablation about 18mths before for SVT. I was stuck in a window seat with 2 quite large passengers who didnt really want to move to let me out of my seat!! I end up climbing over them and i immediately went and told the hostess not to worry but i feel a little lightheaded and my heart is beating too fast, she moved me to an unoccupied exit row and called over the speaker to ask if there were any medical persons on the flight that could attend to my location. There happened to be 2 Doctors onboard in business class so they came down and checked my blood pressure and gave me iced water and did the valsalver manoeuvre a couple of times. Im actually an Emergency Room Registered Nurse ( but that doesent stop me from freaking out a little too!!! ). It was pretty scary knowing i was going to be over water for the next 10hrs but the SVT eventually stopped after about 45 mins! The 2 doctors on board stayed with me till i felt comfortable again ( cant praise them enough – giving up their seat in business class for an hour to sit with me and make sure i was feeling ok!) and said to call them back if i felt unwell during the rest of the flight. The airline staff grabbed my bags and let me sit in the roomy exit row all to myself and checked on me regularly for the remainder of the flight. I had no episodes on my return 23hr flight home

    2017/04/09 at 8:41 pm
    • From Anna M. Antonelos on Travel and SVT

      What happens if your SVT did not stop in your long flight? I heard it’s not good to be having svt for hours. . What does someone do?

      2018/02/07 at 11:21 am
  • From Elli Higgins Bresciano on Convert SVT: Valgo-A Breakthrough for the SVT Community

    This would be an amazing asset to those of us with SVT and anxiety! Can’t wait to hear more!

    2017/04/08 at 3:36 pm
  • From Michele Assoun on Convert SVT: Please take this Survey for new SVT conversion device called Valgo!

    I wish to take on the survey you are proposing …The SVT started on the 14th December 2011 … My heart went above 200 per mn. and was not even doing strenuous work at the time I used to have it quite a lot like 2 or 3 times a week then after it receded to one every 3 months and at times none for 9 months …Then recently since last year in August 2016 it flared up again like every month . since January this year it has been fine ..I am not on any medication as I am too susceptible to pharmaceutical drugs with too many bad side effects…. The ablation I do not wish to go through it at this stage because of the medications they give you to detect where the extra pathway is …So I am very interested in what you are offering in a simple way…Thank you very much . Cheers! Michele

    2017/04/07 at 6:54 am
  • From Gibran Locati on Convert SVT: Valgo-A Breakthrough for the SVT Community

    So is this a device that a person could get now? I would love to have one.

    2017/03/31 at 4:42 pm
    • From Dr Ali Refson on Convert SVT: Valgo-A Breakthrough for the SVT Community

      unfortunately it is still in the research phase.
      For new devices to be accepted we need to prove they work. This will not cure SVTs, but it should empower those with SVT to have a new refined way of performing the modified valsalva manoeuvre which has been shown to revert up to 46% of episodes.

      2017/04/26 at 11:28 pm
      • From debbie elzey on Convert SVT: Valgo-A Breakthrough for the SVT Community

        This I am reading is two years ago is this available now

        2019/08/16 at 3:39 am
  • From Meg Wirth on Convert SVT: Please take this Survey for new SVT conversion device called Valgo!

    My daughter has had SVT so I am interested in staying in touch on all matters!

    2017/03/31 at 4:17 pm
  • From Pam on Convert SVT: Valgo-A Breakthrough for the SVT Community

    This is such encouraging news…..thanks so much for continued research into SVT.

    2017/03/30 at 10:40 am
  • From Lynn on Humanely Raised Meat and the effects on your Heart and SVT

    In the United States our food animals are fed “commodity corn and soy” as feed. This feed is GMO corn and soy. The corn and soy are genetically modified and that is the trouble with the meat supply in this country. The changes that occur in the crops affect the animals and in turn affect our health, digestion and immune system. A huge increase in disease has occurred in our country in the last 50 years due to GMO’s….Help your health & your heart, eat clean, eat organic non-GMO food only.

    2017/03/18 at 1:07 am
    • From Cheryl Nelson on Humanely Raised Meat and the effects on your Heart and SVT

      We all need to educate ourselves about the sources of our food. My father worked for a feed company that sold supplements to farmers. Most farmers would grow the hay, corn or soybeans they fed their livestock, and add the supplements onsite. He told often of how farmers would routinely add the waste products of the sawdust cleaned from the floor of chicken houses after the chickens were harvested to the ground up feed because this was an acceptable source of urea and protein in the diet. (Google “Feeding Poultry Litter to Beef Cattle. There are USDA guidelines) Our cattle that we used for our consumption were always fed pasture, hay and corn,and the meat tasted nothing like what is in stores today. Consumer education is key to making truly healthy choices.

      2017/10/29 at 2:06 pm
      • From laura on Humanely Raised Meat and the effects on your Heart and SVT

        Thank you Cheryl for your valuable insights. I would love to hear even more! If you are ever interested in writing me a blog post article with your unique experience and take on this important subject I would love to publish it! Thank you!

        2017/11/20 at 1:03 am
  • From Pam on Junk food Increases Your Risk for SVT

    Excellent suggestions!

    2017/03/17 at 7:20 pm
    • From Jan on Junk food Increases Your Risk for SVT

      These are great suggestions for good health for all but any documents it helps SVT in specific ?

      2017/03/24 at 9:46 pm
  • From Pam on SVT Vision Board

    What a great article Laura …very thought-provoking …thank you !

    2017/02/21 at 9:52 pm
  • From Anne on SVT Message: Open Your Heart!

    It’s what I want more of – more opening, more opening ❤

    2017/02/15 at 8:13 am
  • From Lori on Heal SVT: Review some SVT Basics

    Thank you for the tips in this article! I also enjoyed your TOP TEN TIPS to HEAL SVT naturally. I love the natural approach vs. medicine or ablation. I’m learning everything I can so that I can give this my best try. I can totally relate to the need to slow down, listen to your body, and eat what’s best. I find deep breathing to be helpful also when I feel SVT might be coming on. Again, a BIG thank you for the info and support you provide to others!! 🙂

    2017/01/19 at 4:44 pm
  • From Michelle on How to Heal SVT Naturally?

    I actually started crying when reading this. I developed SVT after my daughter’s birth in 2003. I had no idea what was going on with me. Over the course of 14 years, I’ve had 6 episodes, which the most recent landed me in the hospital. Add a panic attack on top of it and it was all bad. My cardiologist prescribed me a beta blocker, which is making me feel worse.

    I think once I contain my anxiety and stop allowing it to control my life, everything will be much happier, positive and less scary thinking about when my next SVT will be. Your blogged soothed me and in all actuality, made me feel so much better. Thank you for being an inspiration. I will continue to follow you and read your blogs.

    2017/01/16 at 7:28 pm
    • From laura on How to Heal SVT Naturally?

      Hi Michelle, Thank you so much for your beautiful comment. I hope that you are implementing lots of self care. MY SVT was the worst after I had my first son. I think that giving birth is the most wonderful beautiful experience on earth, but it can also be very depleting. We are literally and physically creating human life and sustaining a second human being off our own supply. It can be unbelievably exhausting and will certainly highlight any areas of depletion in our body and life. I hope that you are just completely shifting your perspective and loading yourself up with nutrition, rest, self-care and anything else you need as much as possible. Keep reading my articles, I am always here for you if you want personal support! xo

      2017/04/27 at 11:37 am
  • From Sarina Valdevieso on Ablation Discussion

    Your blog really ease my fear against svt. When im having these unexpected episodes, fear just dominates me. Its helpful to hear that there are people out there who learned to live with it, and even improved themselves.it helps a lot. Im looking forward to talk to you. Please help me change my outlook and overcome this fear

    2016/12/29 at 12:51 pm
  • From Pam payne on How to Heal SVT Naturally?

    What great suggestions and wise council. Love the idea of Journaling and asking certain questions….our hearts are trying to speak …we just need to take time to listen to the message.

    I am looking forward to your article on supplements to take.

    Thanks Laura for this inspiring article & your gift of time to each of us……love your thought of “feed your soul & heal your heart”.

    2016/12/15 at 12:21 pm
    • From laura on How to Heal SVT Naturally?

      Pam, I always love to hear from you. Are you taking your probiotics? Omegas? and the Cal mag citrate by Thorne? I love those 3. They are my top go-to choices. I also love eating greens, spirulina, green vibrance, and chlorophyll in my water. Hope those help! xo

      2017/04/27 at 11:45 am
  • From Logan on How to Heal SVT Naturally?

    Awesome, loved this article. CR across your website as my SVT has returned in the past week after having an ablation 2 years ago! Love the website, it’s a great resource!

    2016/12/14 at 7:50 pm
    • From laura on How to Heal SVT Naturally?

      Thank you Logan, glad you found us! Did you opt in to the email list? That was you will get an email every time I post a new article. You will also get my Top ten tips to heal SVT naturally and other news…I hope you are feeling ok and taking amazing care of yourself! xo

      2017/04/27 at 11:43 am
  • From pp on STREss and SVT: Climb Crib! My SVT test…

    Sorry laura that i flood your blog with my views but itvs a good platform for whomever may need this info
    I speculated in a previous comment that ectopics, which initiate svt, are a result of a increased vagal activity over an overactive sympathetic tone.
    I have also viewed that it may be that gaba deficiency prevent the limitation of vagal tone, hence gaba neurotrabsmitter deficiency may be a cause for psvt.
    In order to increase gaba , one needs to avoid downregulation, and instead favor upregulation of gaba receptor. This is achieved by taking gaba antagonists, or substances that upregulate gaba :
    – L-theanine
    – bacopa monieri
    – gingko biloba
    – thujone

    The above is the tough way but the effective way. “Whem you re on the top of a hill and contemplate the landscape, if you see far away a big mountain and you want to reach its summit, you first have to go down the hill… ”

    Hope that helps

    2016/12/10 at 3:52 am
  • From sarah c jurcyk on Mercury Detox + SVT (Guest Blog Post)

    Thank you for for you blog post today. Was there a supplement(s) that contained many of the ingredients you mentioned? Also can you tell me more about the biomat and the liver–oil packs or somewhere I can learn more about them?

    2016/10/05 at 6:57 pm
    • From Annette Greene on Mercury Detox + SVT (Guest Blog Post)

      The supplement is Metal X Synergy but I don’t recommend taking it without a dr’s guidance. Castor oil packs on the liver is something you can probably do an internet search for. The biomat is at biomat.com but I need to turn it up to the hottest setting and add a couple of quilts on top of me or I won’t sweat. Sorry I am just reading your comment months after you posted!

      2017/03/10 at 11:32 pm
  • From Gregory Scarborough on Mercury Detox + SVT (Guest Blog Post)

    Very interesting! I was just getting this thought running through my mind that heavy metals could be leading to my SVT… perhaps Mercury being released into my body at variable times. Probably should get this check out! Hard to reconcile this with the reality that my episodes are almost always triggered by leaning/bending forward or slouching on couch… hmmm this is such a mystery- a traumatizing one at that! Thankful for this blog.

    2016/10/05 at 5:39 pm
  • From Jennifer on Food Prep for SVT Prevention

    Do you feel when you sit around more , and then stand up your heart seems to race faster n harder? Everyday I wake up with anxiety and feel like I’m going to die. Or just don’t feel good in general. The feeling is very uncomfortable and I just turned 30. I don’t want to deal anymore

    2016/09/28 at 4:17 pm
  • From Desi on Ablation Discussion

    I’m a bit torn on what you are saying about svt being something emotional, my son had his first svt at 8 months he was born with extra electrical pathway in his heart I’m not so sure or convinced that he can emotionally control his own feelings at such an age, what can you suggest for this

    2016/09/24 at 1:13 pm
  • From Ann on SVT-Suffering to Self Care

    Hi Laura,
    Do you know about nutritional balancing and hair mineral analysis? Check out drlwilson.com On that homepage, if you scroll down to the bottom and click on hair analysis, it will bring you to information on hair analysis.

    2016/09/12 at 9:57 am
  • From pp on SVT-Suffering to Self Care

    I forgot :
    – needless to say but 8 hours sleep minimum is primordial , and
    – i have not been able to form a view on taurine. It s a key gaba agonist naturally presentnin the heart. If it s a gaba agonist it’s potentually bad because of downregulation ( likewise avoid magnesium taurate) , but taurine also uprgulate GAD , gaba decarboxilase, which convert glutamate into gaba. So taurine does one thing good and one thing bad at the same time. I occasionally take 500mg taurine with a turkey bone broth ( high in glutamate) but that s rather experimental.

    2016/09/04 at 5:36 pm
    • From Kathleen Callan on SVT-Suffering to Self Care

      Why should you avoid magnesium turate, I feel better on it,less anxity too?

      2016/09/21 at 11:01 am
      • From Orlanda Correia on SVT-Suffering to Self Care

        I also take it and find it helps. Anyone tried hawthorn?

        2023/01/16 at 10:55 pm
  • From pp on SVT-Suffering to Self Care

    Thanks for your continued generosity in bringing us together around your problem.
    I d like to share a few things that work a bit for me regarding psvt:
    – psvt is a blessing, it is the barometer that tells you when you oush too hard on your body, which is running on adrenaline. Listening to our body means living within our means, a key to self preservation, healing and longevity. Yes, you are limited in your capacity to overdrive and go at 150%, but this very limitation is what saves us on the long run
    – psvt is triggered by ectopic beats when cardiac gaba levels are low. Increasing gaba directly is not a good idea. Upregulating gaba using l-theanine ( green tea) as well as bacopa monieri is key
    – ectopic beats are created by tired nerves and enhanced electric conduction, which occurs during potassium deficiency. I suggest taking 1gr potassium a day in supplement. Rda is 5 gr, toxicity is 18gr at once. Make sure kidneys are okay though.
    – arjuna bark ( 1tsp) and hawthorn ( 1 tsp) twice a day are tremendous support. Starwest Botanical sells them
    – heavy nutrient supplementation (all minerals, all vitamins, all amino acid esp. Arginine and carnitine)
    – if excess adrenaline cause ectopics, then theoritically downregulating beta adrenergic receptors would help. That s why beta blockers are a bad idea as they would upregulate beta receptors. Cautious though as high beta receptor density is important for contractibility if chf.
    – mindfullness meditation: excess adrenaline in the body is enhanced by HPA axis disregulation, and constant worry leading to adrenaline release. Watching the same thought arising 20 times to just replug to the present moment and acknowledge the thought’s hollographic nature, enables to worry less and rewire the brain to live more in the present, i.e. grounded, as opposed to floating in worrying thoughts.
    – running and cardio exercise. Release serotonin ( which favor brain plasticity) and gaba. It release ANP which promotes cardiac stability. It increases the “recovery heart rate” and contractibility as well as the baroreflex ( vein’s tonus). Regarding cardiac contractability, i see it as a force that needs to be strong enough to not be disturbed by nearby ectopic foci that would fire and that would take over the sinus.
    – organic food and high fat low carbs diet. Ketogenic diets have track record in diminishing seizure. The brain is made of fat. Nerves Axons are covers in fat . Since psvt is a nerve problem, ketogenic would be probably best. Favor organic high omega 3 oils: chia oil, flax oil, and cod liver. Keep oils in the fridge and open and close quickly the bottle to avoid omega 3 being destroyed.
    – tai chi is an excelent mindfullness of the body practice. We slowly realise that we are often stressed and subcinsciously contract upper body, which promote inflamation and cardiac problems..
    – antioxidant: NAC is the glutathione precursor. Glutathione is the nber 1 key antoxidant in the heart. Coq10, serrapeptase and Glisodin are very good too to take through the day.
    – magnesium is key. It avoid calcium excessive release in plasma. Calcium plays a significant role in cardiac contractibility and conductivity. Suggest spraying the body using magnesium oil. The skin is the body’s buggest mouth.
    – be careful with any incense that contain thujone ( juniper, white sage) as these are gaba antagonist
    – avoid any gaba agonist as they downregulate gaba receptors : valerian, passionflower, chamomille, etc..
    – dehydration will cause low bp, and if coupled with adrenaline release ( e.g. climbing stairs) will set psvt. For me, low BP + high adrenaline = psvt.
    Hope this help. Sending warmest wishes to all those who share the same reality. There is always worse than being alive ..
    Good luck

    2016/09/04 at 5:28 pm
    • From Nate on SVT-Suffering to Self Care

      Hi is there anyway you could talk to me about supplements and all that I need a good regimen and you seem to be very knowledgeable don’t even know if you’ll get this but hopefully you do my email is ntgnnr@gmail.com

      2021/07/01 at 1:37 pm