Part 1: What is the Difference Between Food Allergy and Food Sensitivity Testing and which should I do for my SVT?

I believe that one of the root causes of SVT is that SVT is rooted in inflammatory responses happening in your body. This in-depth topic is explained in detail in my e-book, The SVT Prevention Diet. In that 200 page digital download, I walk you through, how undiagnosed food sensitivities, leaky gut syndrome, an over-burdened lymphatic system, a high body burden, malabsorption, and depletion all have a cascading effect that I call the SVT-Gut connection and lead to SVT. If you are interested in applying this approach, my Heal SVT Naturally Approach, to your own SVT healing, then changing your diet is a very important tool to use in your self-healing work. Knowing exactly how to apply dietary changes, can be confusing. While I lay out for you the exact diet to follow in The SVT Prevention Diet, if you want even more specific direction or the impetus to finally use diet as a healing tool, Lab testing can be helpful. For me, it provided the Black and White evidence I needed to commit to healing diet. 

Central to healing SVT naturally is to understand the differences between food allergy and food sensitivity testing.

This critical information is intended to lead you to get properly tested so that you will know with certainty what foods or environmental substances are contributing to your health problems. The knowledge you gain from testing will support your commitment to make the necessary adjustments in your diet and environment.

Food allergies and food sensitivities have important distinctions for SVT sufferers who want to take control of their health. They can cause different kinds of reactions in your body, occur within different time frames, and require different kinds of tests to determine which you may have. It’s also possible to suffer from both allergies and sensitivities, and not be able to tell which kind you are experiencing, which makes testing invaluable.

Most food allergies trigger a reaction within minutes and are known as an IgE (or immunoglobulin E)-mediated immune response. Symptoms can range from hives, runny nose, coughing, eye redness, tearing to the more serious difficulty breathing, swelling, wheezing and anaphylactic shock.  This is the body’s way of mounting a response to foreign substances that it cannot tolerate–strawberries, soy, wheat, corn, shellfish, egg, dairy products, nuts or environmental sources such as pollen, molds, dust, trees or bees, to name some of the common ones.

Food sensitivities can come from many foods as well, but are a different kind of reaction called an IgG or IgA (Immunoglobulin G or A) delayed immune response. Food sensitivities can be obvious or subtle, can occur quickly or up to 72 hours later, and can have long-term impacts on your health. These types of food sensitivities often damage the gut, create chronic inflammation and lead to the cascading result of triggering SVT.  I discuss this in my Heal SVT Naturally e-guides as part of my SVT-Gut connection theory.

An allergist/Immunologist or internist typically only tests for IgE allergies, which may be useful information for you to have,especially if you are prone to asthma or histamine reactions. However, if you are serious about improving your overall health, finding the source of leaky gut and inflammation, and preventing SVT episodes, you must get tested for IgG or IgA sensitivities. This will reveal which substances may likely be contributing to your SVT (such as gluten) and give you defined dietary direction.The type of practitioners most likely to provide IgG/IgA testing are functional medicine doctors, naturopaths and chiropractors to name a few. You can also seek testing on your own through the labs that I recommend in the e-guides and that will appear in this column next week.

While you may already know or suspect that certain foods are worsening or triggering your SVT or other symptoms, and may be avoiding them, I still recommend getting tested for food and environmental sensitivities.It is human nature to second guess your intuition or rational decisions when you are feeling weak or have doubts. Complete and proper testing will give you definitive knowledge and the confidence to move forward.

How to Apply that Information for SVT Prevention

The SVT Prevention Diet E-book is a 200 page digital download that will help you to learn about the impact that undiagnosed food sensitivities have on your gut integrity and propensity for acute SVT. In it, I explain my SVT-Gut Connection theory, and how an overloaded lymphatic system, leaky gut,  malabsorption and depletion are all root causes of SVT. I give you practical, step by step instructions on what to do about it including what to eat, what to avoid, and how to live a life of SVT prevention. If interested, the guide is linked below…

Check out my e-guide, The SVT Prevention Diet Here $14.99

As I say in my first e-guide, Heal SVT Naturally The BASICS, you need to be your own SVT Detective. Learning about your food sensitivities is an important part of this investigative work.  If you have any questions, please post them in the comments section  below.

To read Part 2 of this Topic Click HERE

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