Food Tracking for SVT Prevention
Are you food tracking? The purpose of food tracking is to use it as a tool to help capture clues to analyze to see what may be contributing to your SVT.
The Food Tracker has columns for bowel movements, supplements, food etc…and is a simple document that you can print out and fill in to help you track everything you are eating and doing, so that later you can reflect on it and try to find clues that may have contributed to your SVT’s. (You can find the food tracker on the side bar of the blog, it is in a pink and turquoise box that says FOOD TRACKER download.)
If you are having SVT’s currently then consider downloading it and using it as a tool to help you….Its totally free and I created it as a support tool. Sometimes it takes more than the obvious to help us figure out what is contributing to our SVT…maybe something that is not as obvious as gluten is a trigger for you…the food tracker can help you put the clues together and read in between the lines….Also, I love a good mystery, so if you really want help analyzing the food tracker information that you filled in, then you can click on the food tracker support package to enlist my help.
Here are some basics to review if you are currently suffering with frequent SVT episodes.
1. WATER…are you drinking 8-10 glasses per day?
2. SLEEP- are you sleeping 8 hours per night?
3. GREENS…how many greens are you eating each day?
4. GLUTEN…are you GF?
5. BOWEL MOVEMENTS…are you having a nice solid BM each morning?
6. SUGAR-….are you eating too much sugar? White sugar? coffee? soda? cakes? cookies?
7. REST…are you resting when you need to? a few little rest stops throughout the day will do wonders for our stress.
8. LITE MEALS…don’t overeat in one sitting…smaller meals are less likely to cause SVT.
9. VITIMANS….are you taking the following…Cal Mag citrate? B’s, D3, Probiotics, start with those…
10. JOURNALING…What does your heart want to say, do, change, be, feel? Are you ignoring your hearts desires???
If you are doing all of the above, (for real) and are suffering with frequent SVT’s then definitely download and fill out the food tracker, it’s another tool to try to help us,…and feel free to enlist my help if you want to….We can figure out why you are suffering and try to reduce the frequency of your SVT’s together!
Also, if you have downloaded the tracker and want to comment on it, if you liked it, if I forgot something, etc…then feel free to comment on this blog post so I can improve the document to better serve us all. I am open to editing it, please let me know what you think of it, if it helped you, etc.!
Love and healing, Laura xoxoxoxo
Hi Laura,
I recently wrote an article on the connection between the ganglia nerve centers in our internal organs, nerve irritation, and heart rhythm problems. Having made this discovery, I know exactly what is causing my SVT’s. For me, it’s part of being female.
Great idea on the food tracker because that definitely has a connection!
It’s my latest post on my blog.
I mean latest post not lastest post.
Ciao Laura,
I have been reading your blog for a while and I would like to say that your method works…but I am not cured yet!!
For me, everything started in 2011, when I started feeling my heart “jumping” and that sense of “pause” immediately after.. oweful sensation.
Soon after I started to notice some kind of tachycardia that only happened during the night and early morning just before waking up…..
I saw 3 or 4 cardiologists, 3 or 4 GPs and at the moment I am seeing a nutritionist.
From a 24h holter monitor they catched the “pause” and it was/is a series of Ventricular Ectopic beats (4 registered).
From an event recorder results, came out that the night/morning Tachycardia is Atrial Tachy. (90/150/200 bpm). so, an SVT.
I was having Ventricular Ectopics EVERY DAY until…I cut the Gluten…or the wheat, 3 months ago.
The GF diet has helped me a lot on that issue (now I only have Ectopics every 3-4 weeks).
The Atrial Tacky is still there, it has improved a little but is is still there…almost every night/morning (4-5-6 am)
It is a very strange SVT because it only happens during the night or early morning and it last until I wake up or I open my eyes…really.
As soon as I get up from the bed, slowly disappear….but if I try to get back to sleep, it will wake me up after a while… always.
It looks like the SVT does not want me to sleep more than 6 or so hours…
I know that my stomach / gut is involved but I am not sure if it is all it’s fault!!
My SVT – Ectopic Beats is much longer than the brief above…all the rest is a mix of panic attacks, (due to hearth palpitations), unstable hormones (Estrone at 200)…
Thanks for your blog I see the light now but it is still far away.
I’ll have to reach it!
Ciao, Massimo.
What a helpful blog. Thank you so much. Just woke up completely dehydrated and drank 1l of water after reading your first few sentences. My biggest SVTs happen at 5 -6 am when my body gets most dehydrated probably. I will go oit and buy some veggies now and try and stay off bread all day. But we are in Paris and water and veggies and sleep seem to be the easiest things to do immediately. Thanks again!
Thank you so much for starting this blog. I have been suffering from random SVT episodes for about eight years (since I was 21). I too would like to avoid medications and abalation surgery if possible.
An ER doctor (who also has SVT) recommended that I take potassium and magnesium supplaments on a daily basis to support electrolyte function. Since I did that it has made a world of difference!
I didn’t have any episodes for over three years, then they started again. When I went to the ER (260 BPM for more then 30 mins) I found out that I had extreamly low iron. I was then put on some iron and Vit C supplaments (all over-the counter) that I take daily. This has helped but not cured completely. As I continue to increase my iron-rich foods, I notice a difference in the frequency of the SVTs.
Currently I have had a few a week, but they are just simple skips or flutters and don’t turn into a full SVT episode. The doctors believe that once my Iron levels increase to normal, I won’t have them anymore.
I have noticed that I do get a lot of SVT’s right before or right after my period. Do you know what causes this?I know there is a correlation, but have not figured out why.
Thanks for this blog!