Hello friends!

Think about what it would feel like to not have SVT or to continually worry about SVT…

Today’s blog post is a little different than usual… I’m not going to tell you what to eat or to stop eating sugar, nor will I tell you what supplements to take as I have plenty of articles about those topics already!  Today, I want to talk about something completely different. I would like to discuss how to invest your energy and thoughts into creating a NEW HEALTH VISION for yourself along with the importance of doing so.

When you have SVT, it is natural to become overwhelmed with it, to constantly think about it, to fear it, to hate it even. BUT, it’s absolutely necessary to spend much more time focusing on the opposite, which is what you actually DO WANT your HEALTH to LOOK, BE and FEEL like.

What you focus on GROWS…

Today is a great day to carve out some time to think about what it is that you actually DO want…Here’s how…

1. Ask yourself Questions to get you thinking in a new, positive way…

  • How do you want to wake up feeling each day?
  • What do you want to do first thing each morning that will promote your health and well-being?
  • What do you see yourself doing that would feel relaxing, free, and joyful?
  • What is your ideal healthy breakfast? What does it look like, taste like, how do you feel after you eat it?
  • What do you want to spend your morning doing? What kind of self-care do you see yourself engaging in? Journaling, walking, yoga, meditation, stretching ? What do you dream of doing first thing every day?
  • How does your energy feel?  Vibrant, enthusiastic, free, calm??
  • What do you WANT to be doing during the day? What 3 things would you love to spend your precious time and energy on? What do you love to do and want more of in your life?
  • What is your ideal home or outdoor environment? What does it look and feel like?
  • Continue asking yourself these types of questions….to keep propelling you further and allowing yourself to DREAM…
  • What would a healthy body feel like?
  • What makes you feel empowered, strong and healthy?


2. Take it a step further and now spend some time creating a Vision Board or Vision Journal with pictures and Images of what your IDEAL HEALTH looks and Feels like…

Feel free to read my article about Vision Boards HERE, and browse some of the “health images” I added down below to print out and use for your vision board or journal. Use Pinterest, magazines or free photo resources on line to find images that inspire you!

3. Create New Affirmations. 

Affirmations are positive statements written in the present tense as though they already exist. They are used in conjunction with with journaling, vision boarding etc to help you allow yourself to FEEL what those statements might feel like for you. The more uncomfortable they feel, the more we need to keep introducing them into our lives! Here are a few I created, but create your own..about your health and what you are inspired to attain.

  • I am FREE of all SVT
  • I feel healthy and vibrant
  • I spend my time each day doing things that I love
  • I am connected to my hearts desires
  • I know what I want
  • I take such good care of myself
  • My body feels so good
  • Its been 20 years since my last SVT
  • I listen to my heart
  • I know how to meet my needs
  • I dont need a health issue to connect with my heart

4. Create Clarity

Clarity is an important piece of our HEALING puzzle. It’s easy to say that we want to heal, but what does “healing look and feel like? Create clarity around your healing picture so that you know what you are working for and towards.  That is what I am encouraging you to work on today. Creativity helps you to find clarity so I hope that you allow yourself some free creative time to engage in the above exercises to discover what your HEALTH picture looks like today!

5. Use your tools and images as reminders

The images you find, the affirmations you create and say to yourself, and the  vision board you spend time making will work to continually remind you to take healthy steps each day towards your HEARTS TRUE DESIRES and your NEW inspired health picture. A Vision Board is a tool to look at over and over again. Each time you pass it or gaze upon it, it reminds you of the feelings you want to feel and the vision you are committed to for your health, heart and life. These gentle forms of creative encouragement are meant to motivate you to stay on track, to eat and live an SVT prevention diet and lifestyle and to work toward attaining the health goals that await you!

I’ll include some free images below that might inspire you as you explore your creativity today!

I’d love to hear from you about if you needed to hear this today, and what your health vision looks like! Thank you for reading and be sure to sign up for my Heal SVT Naturally newsletter to receive inspirational information to help you feel empowered!



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  • Get The SVT Prevention Diet E-book HERE