
 LOVE from clients (3

“Thank you for this blog and am going to read every single word and follow your advice.”

“I cried when I found your site. I have just been diagnosed with SVT after having an episode after a shift at the hospital. I am a midwifery student and I have been freaking out that I will have to drop out as the pressure and stress are so high in my degree course. Having read your blogs, I now feel there is hope for me to control my symptoms naturally”

“Thanks so much for your blog, and giving me the nudge I need to clean up my life, and get healthy again.”

“So happy to see that there are other people out there that want to fix this SVT monster naturally”

“I am so glad I found this!!!”

“What an amazing blog!”

“Reading this blog has made me feel much more at peace”

“I am now going gluten free, I see the benefits and I do believe I am gluten intolerant.”

“Thank you for your blog. I am so grateful.”

“I like most others am in tears at finding this blog.”

“I am eager to read the rest of your blog.”

“Hi. I am a medical resident specializing in cardiology…. I have always been lactose intolerant and after reading the blog will try to be on a gluten free diet.”

“Thank you for the blog it helps to know what you isn’t rare and you aren’t going crazy stressing while the doctor thinks it isn’t a big deal.”

“Wow. I was moved to tears reading this.”

“THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!!! YOU have changed my life and if it wasn’t for this blog and these ideas I would be under the knife right now getting this horrible ablation that is not a cure, but a band-aid covering up the real problem”

“I am forever grateful for your blog, it has changed my life”

“Aww…finally! Some information! Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!”

“….thanks for being here for us!!!”


“Hello and thank you Laura for this wonderful site and to all the people who have shared their experiences.”

“So thankful to find this encouraging website!”

“Great to find this site.”

“Thank you for this site. It is one of the only good resources I could find online.”

“Re-visitng your site and I am comforted by all of this so much.”

“I too find drinking a lot of water helps”

“Great website and blog Laura. I’ve read it from top to bottom. I’m very grateful for the sharing and hearing of people experiences and your encouraging comments. It helps to know others successes”

“Hello.This post was extremely motivating”

“Wow, this blog is a great find”