wedding 162I love chocolate chip cookies…I always have…and always will. After becoming totally 100% gluten-free about 2 years ago…I have made many, many versions of them…some good…some not sooo good. Recently I learned how to make this “PALEO” version…One aspect of the Paleo diet basically means no grains at all….While I am no expert on the paleo diet and I do eat grains…these were a nice sweet treat and a totally different taste and texture then my usual basic GF version…

Here’s What I did:

  • 2 cups bobs red mill almond meal/flour finely ground
  • 1/4 teaspoon sea salt ( I make my own salt combo of iodized salt and pink Himalayan sea salt)
  • 1/2 teaspoon baking soda
  • 1/4 cup coconut oil
  • 1 tablespoon vanilla extract
  • 3 tablespoons honey (a little more if needed)
  • 1/2 cup semi sweet chocolate chips (You can use dairy free…I didnt!)

1. I combined all the dry ingredients, and then wet ones separately…and I stirred everything together by hand. wedding 133

2. Add in the chocolate chips last…

3. Place small balls of dough on baking sheet and only bake for about 7 minutes on 350 degrees.

4. While I am definitely not a fan of letting things cool…these need to or they will get crumbly…

free to support my SVT, these are a perfect example of how we can still eat yummy sweet treats that won’t trigger our SVT’s!  Enjoy!!!! xoxo Laura

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