I love to introduce experts from all different natural healing approaches into the Heal SVT naturally community. Doing so allows us to gain new perspective, momentum and validation that there are ways to heal not only SVT but many health issues by taking a natural mind-body-spirit approach.

Introducing Ananta Ripa Ajmera. Ananta brings to us the introduction of Ayurvedic medicine, the view of the heart from the Ayurvedic perspective and tips to Awaken Health through diet and lifestyle.

Ayurveda is one of the world’s most sophisticated and powerful mind-body health systems and is over 2000 years old. I feel particularly drawn to Ayurveda and look forward to learning beside you all. I will be interviewing Ananta next week and am very exited to bring her wisdom and expertise to our community. Learn more about Ananta below and stay tuned for some unique articles by her

Ananta Ripa Ajmera is a spiritual teacher, 10-time award-winning and bestselling author of The Way of the Goddess and The Ayurveda Way, and co-founder of The Ancient Way. Ananta regularly appears in media, and was most recently interviewed on KMET-1490AM, an ABC News Radio Affiliate, and by Deepak Chopra on The Chopra Well. Her work has been featured on Good Day New York, Forbes, Vogue, Yoga Journal, Allure, and Cosmopolitan. She’s an ongoing featured columnist for Spirituality & Health Magazine and MindBodyGreen. Ananta has taught at Endeavor, Stanford School of Medicine, and UNICEF. She deeply studied Ayurveda, Yoga, and Vedanta in oral lineage based traditions stemming back to ancient India for 14 years. Visit her website to learn more and download your free Chakra Healing Guide to see where you need healing, and what spiritual practice(s) will help you most.