My Friday posts have become super easy lately because I feel so inspired after my Thursday chats with you all in the private facebook group.  If you haven’t popped over there yet, I am there live every Thursday at 2pm EST to answer your questions and connect with you!

I also have been spending lots of time on the phone with my Free skype calls and continue to notice all the similarities in our stories. We are all more alike than you may realize!  Since I get the privilege to be on the receiving end of hundreds of stories from around the globe, I can assure you that we share many common threads. From diet, to stress, to food sensitivities, to digestive issues, our shared symptoms help me to formulate my common methods for SVT healing and prevention. All of which I have also applied to my own life first and foremost.

I LOVE to heal, and I LOVE to help people HEAL. I love this role in life. This is my life purpose. I would not have come to this Life Purpose however, if I wasn’t in pain in my own life and journeyed through the healing myself.

I have come a long way from how sick I used to be. I was sad, neglected, a victim, unable to care for my own needs, unable to assert myself, unable to cook for myself out of exhaustion and constantly craving someone else to care for me. I believe that my  ill health in more ways than just SVT, was my body’s way of communicating with me, and for a very long time I didn’t want to listen.

Our bodies are always trying to get our attention in whatever way they can and this is why I know that your accelerated heart has a message for you.

The sooner you try to unravel those messages, listen and receive them, the sooner you can begin to turn your situation around.

This week, I encourage you all to open up to the messages that your fast heart is trying to convey to you. You can use these guided journaling questions to help prompt you.

  • If my SVT had a voice, what do I think it’s trying to say to me?
  • What messages do I think I am ignoring?
  • What does my body crave that I am not giving it?

Hope this helps you connect with your loving heart center and encourages you to listen a little more closely to your divine heart messages!

Xoxo Laura