I Would LOVE to Hear From You!

I Would LOVE to Hear From You!

SVT Testimonials If you have worked with me in any way and would like to write a testimonial for me and my websites,  I would love to hear from you. I am compiling testimonials for my websites and I would like to add statements from current clients and people who I...
Success Story

Success Story

I receive comments all the time from readers and those comments appear all over the site under different pages and posts. I try to respond to everyone’s comments even if it takes me a while!  I prefer when people “comment” as opposed to email me...

one year later…

With so many new comments coming into the site lately, I’m inspired to share the news with new followers and the ones that have been with me along the whole journey…I am more than pleased and proud to announce that I have not had an SVT in OVER one year. I...