SVT Testimonials

If you have worked with me in any way and would like to write a testimonial for me and my websites,  I would love to hear from you.

I am compiling testimonials for my websites and I would like to add statements from current clients and people who I have worked with via free and paid skype calls. If you have been a private client, had a free call or have benefited in some way form the healsvtnaturally website or private FB group, and would like to say something about your experience working with me, I would LOVE for you to email me!

Just hit reply and include your testimonial. It can be one line or a paragraph, whatever you feel inspired to write! It could be about anything at all. What you thought of me, my sites, as a coach, if my support was helpful, if my information is useful, or if you see a difference in your life from trying some of my tips etc.

If you would like to include your first name, full name or initials just let me know! If you have a link to a website or business that you would like to include in your testimonial you may do that as well.

Thank you so much for your willingness to share the love! THANK YOU!

(Hit reply or email me at