Heal SVT Naturally by connecting to what brings your HEART JOY

“Healing” is a broad term, especially when it comes to our SVT

As I always say, Healing is a journey, not a destination…

When it comes to healing anything, I always take a mind, body, spirit approach. As such, we need to asses what I call the CORE FOUR healing layers which I consider to be the physical, emotional, spiritual and energetic layers. Some of those encompass our overall health, the physical healing of our body, our eating habits and relationship with food, our emotions + our heart wounds from the past, our self-expression + boundaries, our relationship to ourselves including our self-love, our self-talk + thoughts, and of course our ability to listen to our hearts and hear our intuition.

Many years ago I went to talk therapy to help me with some of the healing I knew I needed. The first question the therapist asked me was:

What brings you JOY?

I was stumped.

Truly! I reflected on this question back and forth for a long time. As I write about this now, nearly 8 years later, I can really recall how lost I was for answers to that simple yet complex question.  

What brings me JOY? What brought me joy in my life? Did my heart feel actual JOY? 

What did Heart joy feel like?  Did I ever feel joyful? Did other people actually feel joyful? It’s safe to say I didn’t feel heart joy at that time in my life. Perhaps it’s no coincidence that my SVT was in full swing.

I have learned that SVT isn’t as random as you might think. It is connected to so much including our diet, our state of inflammation, our internal landscape including our thoughts, emotions and  to many other aspects of our lives and environment. Our health issues are interconnected, just like all of life is connected.

For me, my SVT was clearly connected to my thoughts, unhealed wounds from the past, and my heart joy, or lack thereof.

One part of “healing our hearts and essentially our SVT” is opening to feeling and receiving more joy.

I understand this now not only from a mental perspective, but an energetic one. When it comes to feelings and the LAW OF ATTRACTION, I understand that “like attracts like,”. Therefore  “feeling joy” is what brings on more feelings of joy…but this isn’t easy to explain this to someone like myself who was not feeling joy at all or who was confused by what the Law of Attraction really means and how it works (and eventually even learning to use it to our advantage especially when it comes to SVT).

Step one was figuring out what was stopping me from aligning with and manifesting joy. Why was my heart so blocked? Was I closed off? 

If you have some of those same questions like me, then I invite you to turn to your journal for answers. Rest assured, those answers will be fueled by your own internal guidance, AKA INTUITION. Tapping into your intuition is my secret weapon for Healing SVT Naturally. Thus, increasing your connection to your intuition will help you listen, heal and be able to apply of all that knowledge to your SVT circumstances. Don’t forget, your SVT is just your heart’s way of communicating with you and asking for your attention! 

I created some guided journaling prompts to help you ponder these important healing questions just as I did (and still do) anytime I feel called to break through to the healing and inner knowing that I know is available to us all…

create time to answer these questions in your journal…

  • When was the last time I felt truly joyful?
  • What does JOY feel like to me? Where do I feel it?
  • Do I laugh every day?
  • What makes me laugh?
  • Who do I like to laugh with?
  • What are some fond memories of I have of laughing really hard?
  • When was the last time I had a really good long belly laugh?
  • In order to laugh more and increase my joy what should I do?
  • What activities help me to laugh?
  • Who do I need to spend more time with?
  • Who do I need to spend LESS time with?
  • How can I make more room in my heart for joy?
  • What BLOCKS ME from feeling JOY?
  • Do I have old heartbreaks that hardened my heart? 
  • How can I support my heart NOW in ways that I was not able to in the past?
  • What does my heart need let go of ? What heartbreaks need processing and loving attention?
  • What do I need to to let go of in order to feel more joy?
  • How can I listen more to what my heart really wants?
  • What activities brought me joy as a CHILD?
  • How can I find more joy with my own children or inner CHILD?
  • Do I make time to play? What do I like to play with? 
  • Do I give my heart the room it needs to speak and feel nourished…to feel JOY?
  • Do I tell the people that I love that I love them?
  • Can I sit for a few minutes and IMAGINE what JOY feels like? What color is it? What does it look like? (If you art journal you can art journal about this!)
  • Can I invite JOY into my heart right now to see what it feels like?
  • How can I look for small moments of JOY in my day today?

Journaling with guided questions is one of my favorite ways to connect with my heart and back to our INTUITION. Your intuition holds all the answers you need in life including the answers about how to heal your SVT.

 If you like guided journaling and want to keep doing more of it. I have created a FREE e-guide for you called Journaling with your Intuition.

This guide is a beautiful 11 page free e-guide that will help you connect more deeply with your Intuition and learn to see it as your most valuable possession.

As a way to bring my own heart more JOY, I have begun to create one of a kind journals for sale on my JOURNALING page.HERE Journals page.

I am creating one of a kind journals, vision board kits and other creative tools to help you increase your connection to your intuition. I hope that these tools help you on your healing journey!

Wishing you Love + Healing, xo Your SVT Coach, Laura


Even more Heal SVT Naturally RESOURCES for You:

Thank you for reading!