Heal SVT naturally has a new website!

Wow…what a huge project! As many of you know, I recently took on the huge task of upgrading the SVT site. For the tech savvy folks out there, I was using wordpress.com and I wanted to switch to wordpress.org.  The switch was calling me for a long time and for many reasons..I wanted the site to be better, faster, prettier, easier to navigate, and current. I knew it would be a huge undertaking. I had to switch the site, move the domain, transfer all the content, build an entirely new site on Divi my favorite theme, and so much more. I even had a few glitches that I almost had an SVT over…

And time it has taken…(and money). But I am on the home stretch and every ounce of effort is worth it. While I am still not ready to officially announce the site, I am sure many of you have seen it by now. Over the next month, I will email you with highlights, pages to check out and upcoming classes and a course I’m working on. Until then, navigate around and feel free to comment below on what you like, or don’t, as this labor of love is still a work in progress.

Please know that its all for you, this community, and the future of SVT research that we all deserve! Here’s to our growing community, and a website to reflect the progress.

xox Much Love and Healing,