Summer Heat is an SVT trigger for many. This is a quick reminder on all the things that you can do to avoid an SVT this summer…

  • Stay hydrated. At least 8 full, large glasses of water each day. MORE if you are exercising or working outside.
  • FRUIT, at least 3 per day. Good ones are watermelon, cantaloupe, and nectarineelectrolytes
  • Avoid Gluten. Even if you are not ready to become gluten free. Try to avoid gluten for a few weeks in a row this summer. Replace with brown rice, qunioa, and brown rice pasta, or home made  baked goods that you make with brown rice flour or GF rolled oats.
  • Add Electrolytes to your water. Buy a box and then carry the little one shot packets with you. Get them at a health food store and try add this into your rotation every day or every other day. (see picture)
  • Probiotics- I LIVE for probiotics. I cannot say enough about what a game changer they are. It’s all about keeping your gut happy and healthy. If you do nothing else, add in a good probiotic. NOTE: They need to be refrigerated. Do not buy the ones from a shelf. They are NOT the ones I mean. Probiotics are a live culture and to live need to stay cold. I use a basic Jarro dophilus brand.
  • Add in COOLING vege’s like cucumber, zucchini, coconut, avocado, romaine lettuce, and berries into your daily diet!.
  • Ice water with lemon or lime or mint leaves or slices of oranges or anything unqiue that you can think of that sounds yummy with ice. Stay cool.
  • When you get too hot, take a break! If you don’t have A/C use the old fashion cold washcloth method…on the wrists and neck.
  • REST, lay down for 10 minutes every day. No need for a 2 hour nap, a few little rests will do.
  • Make sure your bowels are moving. If you are not having a nice, satisfying bowel movement every single morning…there are things that you can do to make this happen! (I can help you with this!)
  • Listen to your body! Whatever that means for you. If your body is talking, try to listen. These messages are unique to only you!
  • Start a morning ritual where each morning upon waking, you ask your self “What foods would best serve me today? What do I need?” and wait for the answer…it might surprise you!
  • Reach out for help! If you would like help with your SVT, join our private FB group, or email me for a FREE 30 minute skype call if you are thinking about working with me to help coach you with any challenges that you are facing! There are sooooo many things that you can do to avoid an episode…you do not have to live in fear!

You are NOT alone if the heat bothers your SVT. Hope this reminder helps you to take great care of yourself this summer! Comment or email me with any questions! xox Laura

More Heal SVT Naturally RESOURCES for You:

I hope this info was helpful for you! Let me know

Love Laura

Your SVT Health Coach