Avoiding Ablation

Avoiding Ablation

I read a lot of accelerated heart and SVT stories every day. Through the blog, comments, personal emails and now the incredible facebook group, I hear a lot of people struggling with whether or not they should get ablation. The decision, just like SVT, has layers....
How to avoid an SVT this summer

How to avoid an SVT this summer

Summer Heat is an SVT trigger for many. This is a quick reminder on all the things that you can do to avoid an SVT this summer… Stay hydrated. At least 8 full, large glasses of water each day. MORE if you are exercising or working outside. FRUIT, at least 3 per...
Trust your Feelings for SVT Prevention

Trust your Feelings for SVT Prevention

The last few weeks have been tough for me. Today I made a decision to trust my feelings on something that just hasn’t felt right. The action step I needed to do was to not accept an offer that someone was making me that didn’t feel right. I kept rationalizing it my...