My SVT Support Team

My SVT Support Team

For anyone that wants to meet my 2 superstar Naturopathic Doctors that have been on my support team since the beginning. Dr. Peter Bongiorno, and Dr. Pina LoGuidice. She stars on Dr. Oz all the time, and he is the author of some amazing books on Anxiety. Their...
Your Accelerated Heart Has a Message for YOU!

Your Accelerated Heart Has a Message for YOU!

My Friday posts have become super easy lately because I feel so inspired after my Thursday chats with you all in the private facebook group.  If you haven’t popped over there yet, I am there live every Thursday at 2pm EST to answer your questions and connect with you!...
Anxiety and SVT: Feel, Deal, Heal

Anxiety and SVT: Feel, Deal, Heal

Are you suffering with panic attacks or waking up in the middle of the night with your heart palpitating unable to stop your mind from racing?  Many people experience and may even be overwhelmed by this type of anxiety. And since anxiety and SVT go hand in hand, below...