Strawberries and Nut Butter

Strawberries and Nut Butter

I love a healthy sweet treat, and this fast, easy,  naturally gluten free, SVT-friendly recipe hits the spot! Cut up some organic strawberries, add a dollop of your favorite nut butter and sprinkle on some chia seeds and honey. In less than 3 minutes you will be...
Tea and SVT

Tea and SVT

Tea and SVT Drinking tea is a super soothing ritual that can relax both body, and mind. Tea is also great for when you are craving sugar, when you want to warm up, or need to simply de-stress. Lately, I have been using this one, the Kava Stress Relief. and I add...
Stomach Flu & SVT

Stomach Flu & SVT

If you are a Parent with a child in a school system, than it’s likely that at one time or another your family has caught a stomach bug. It just went through my family and it was a nightmare… I haven’t been that sick, throwing up all night in years….After about 12...
Rest helps Prevent SVT

Rest helps Prevent SVT

Rest  Rest is such and essential part of SVT prevention. Many times we have an SVT because we push ourselves, don’t listen to our bodies when it’s telling us it’s time to stop, and ignore important ques. Here are some journaling prompts to ponder to...
SVT in Children

SVT in Children

Recently someone wrote in who’s 10-year-old boy suffered an SVT (exchange below). Most of the time, this blog is directed to individuals who directly suffer, but this questions made me realize that many parents out there might be scared and suffering with how to...
I had a Baby at 43

I had a Baby at 43

I had a baby a few months ago!!!! When you first have a baby your risk for SVT can be very high for several reasons. First you are probably completely sleep deprived…a major SVT trigger. I’ve been sleep deprived for 5 months now and I JUST realized that...